2019년도 최신  소아 청소년 예방 접종 권장 (미 소아과 학회, CDC 권장). Latest pediatric and adolescent vaccination recommendations for 2019 (American Academy of Pediatrics, CDC recommendations)

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2019년도 최신  소아 청소년 예방 접종 권장(미 소아과 학회, CDC 권장) Latest pediatric and adolescent vaccination recommendations for 2019 (American Academy of Pediatrics, CDC recommendations)

  • 생후 6~1개월 영아들이 외국 여행을 갈 수 있는 통지를 받자 마자 A 형 간염, 홍역, 풍진 유행성 이하선염 예방 접종을 받도록 권장 한다.

  • 이제는 생 약독 인플루엔자 백신Live attenuated influenza vaccine 으로 접종 받을 수 있다.

  • 과거 7~10세 소아들이 디프테리아, 파상풍, 백일해 예방 접종을 DTaP Tdap 접종을 받은 후  11~12세가 되면  Tdap 추가 접종을 받으라고 권장 한다.

  • Please visit drleepediatrics.com and search for more information.

  • For more information, please visit drleepediatrics.com. search  정보를 더 찾으려면 drleepediatrics.com 방문한 후 search 에서 찾아보세요.

Latest pediatric and adolescent vaccination recommendations for 2019 (American Academy of Pediatrics, CDC recommendations)
It is recommended that infants aged 6 to 1 months receive vaccinations against hepatitis A, measles, rubella, and mumps as soon as they are notified that they can travel abroad.
You can now receive the live attenuated influenza vaccine.
In the past, it is recommended that children aged 7 to 10 receive the DTaP Tdap vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, and then receive an additional Tdap vaccination when they turn 11 to 12 years of age.
Please visit drleepediatrics.com and search for more information.
For more information, please visit drleepediatrics.com. Search To find more information, visit drleepediatrics.com and search.