부모학 교과서를 소개합니다. Introducing parenting textbooks.

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​부모학 교과서를 소개합니다.​
미국 소아과 전문의, 한국 소아청소년과 전문의 이상원

John Sangwon Lee, MD, FAAP
99 Pigeon Road Willimantic, Connecticut 06226 USA

drsangwonlee님의 블로그 : 네이버 블로그
Sangwon Lee


1. www.koreapediatrics.com/부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다-약 20,000 여 쪽. 13412 제목, 2013년 출시, 소아과 웹사이트 이상원 운영. www.drleepediatrics.com을로 바꿔 운영
2.소아가정의학 백과-618쪽, 1988년 출간
3.소아가정간호백과-부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다-1076쪽, 1998년, 청문각 출간
4.신생아 영유아 학령기아 사춘기아 성장발육 육아-623쪽, 2014년, 좋은땅 출간
5.신생아 성장 발육 양호 질병, 610쪽, 2014년, 좋은땅 출간
6.모유 모유수유 이유, 308쪽, 2014년 좋은땅 출간
7.소아청소년 뇌전증(간질)+뇌전증 백문 백답, 240쪽, 2015년 좋은땅 출간
8.임신에서 신생아 돌보기까지, 약 300쪽 1998년 청문각 출간
9.아들 딸 이렇게 사랑해서 키우세요, 210쪽 역저 전 세계 명작, Ross Campbell 의학박사 저, 1988년 서문당 출간
11.마약과 아이들 약 200쪽 , 1988년 출간
12.아들 딸 조건 없는 진정한 사랑으로 키우세요 그리고 인성교육은 이렇게, 2016년 양서각 출간 647쪽
13. www.flickr.com/people/drleesangwon
14. blog.naver.com/drsangwonlee
15. www.facebook.com/drleesangwon
16. Newyorkkorea.net의 Pediatric columnist
17.Naver의 의약학 사전, 6년 간 저자
18. 현재 Naver drleesangwon블로그 저자
19. 안면도 출생 이상원 Top 미국 소아청소년 과 전문의가 되기까지 2017년 출간
20, Raise your sons and daughters with real unconditional love, Published by Dorrans. Written by Me, English version, Worldwide best seller book.

21. more
Thank you very much.

Introducing parenting textbooks.
Lee Sang-won, an American pediatrician and Korean pediatrician​
John Sangwon Lee, MD, FAAP
99 Pigeon Road Willimantic, Connecticut 06226 USA
-> www.drleepediatrics.com
drsangwonlee’s blog: Naver blog
Sangwon Lee
PUBLICATIONS Writing activities
1. www.koreapediatrics.com/Parents should also be half-doctors – Approximately 20,000 pages. Title 13412, launched in 2013, operated by Lee Sang-won, a pediatrics website. Rename www.drleepediatrics.com to operate as
2. Encyclopedia of Pediatric and Family Medicine – page 618, published in 1988
3. Pediatric Home Nursing Encyclopedia – Parents must also become anti-doctors – page 1076, published by Cheongmungak in 1998
4. Newborns, infants, school-age children, adolescents, growth, development, and childcare – 623 pages, published in Good Land, 2014
5. Diseases that promote good growth and development in newborns, page 610, published by Good Land, 2014
6. Reasons for breastfeeding, page 308, published by Good Land in 2014
7. Epilepsy + epilepsy in children and adolescents: 100 questions and answers, 240 pages, published by Good Land in 2015
8. From pregnancy to newborn care, approximately 300 pages, published by Cheongmungak in 1998
9. Raise your sons and daughters with love like this, 210 pages, a world-renowned masterpiece, written by Dr. Ross Campbell, MD, published by Seomundang in 1988
11. Drugs and Children, approximately 200 pages, published in 1988
12. Raise your sons and daughters with unconditional, true love and character education like this, published by Yang Seogak in 2016, page 647
13. www.flickr.com/people/drleesangwon
14. blog.naver.com/drsangwonlee
15. www.facebook.com/drleesangwon
16. Newyorkkorea.net’s columnist
17. Navi Dictionary of Pharmacy, Author for 6 years
18. Current Naver Drleesangwon blog author
19. Lee Sang-won, born in Anmyeondo Island, became a top pediatrician and adolescent specialist in the U.S. Published in 2017
20, Raise your sons and daughters with real unconditional love, Published by Dorrans. Written by Me, English version, Worldwide best seller book.
21. more
Thank you very much.