장애 사춘기 여아 월경 억제치료를 종합 경구용 피임약(COCPs)으로도 하기도 하지만 종합 경구용 피임약(COCPs)과 Depo-provera( Depo Medroxyprogeterone Acetate)근육주사로 동시하면  치료 효과가 더 좋다고. Menstrual suppression in disabled adolescent girls can be treated with combined oral contraceptives (COCPs), but the treatment is more effective when combined with combined oral contraceptives (COCPs) and intramuscular injection of Depo-provera (Depo Medroxyprogeterone Acetate).

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장애 사춘기 여아 월경 억제치료를  종합 경구용 피임약(COCPs)으로도 하기도 하지만 종합 경구용 피임약(COCPs)과 Depo-provera( Depo Medroxyprogeterone Acetate)근육주사로 동시하면  치료 효과가 더 좋다고

NEJM Journal Watch, Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 8/2019


Menstrual suppression in disabled adolescent girls can be treated with combined oral contraceptives (COCPs), but the treatment is more effective when combined with combined oral contraceptives (COCPs) and intramuscular injection of Depo-provera (Depo Medroxyprogeterone Acetate).
NEJM Journal Watch , Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 8/2019