과거 한 때는 치료 위주로 건강 관리 시대였고 그러다가 예방을 해야 한다는 것을 배우고 예방 치료 위주 거강 관리 시대로 이어졌고. In the past, there was a time when health care was focused on treatment, and then we learned that prevention should be done, leading to an era of health care focused on preventive treatment. Now, in this era, people are planning their own health without relying entirely on medical professionals as well as preventive treatment. The era of preventative diagnosis and treatment has come for each person. Therefore, I believe that everyone, including parents, can live happily if they study medicine diligently and take care of the basic conditions of human life: clothing, food, shelter, and health.
과거 한 때는 치료 위주로 건강 관리 시대였고 그러다가 예방을 해야 한다는 것을 배우고 예방 치료 위주 거강 관리 시대로 이어졌고 지금이시대는 예방 치료는 물론이고 의료 인들에게[ 전 적으로 의지 하지 안고 자기 자신건강 설계를 하면서 각자가 예방 진단 치료하는 시대가 왔다. 그러니 부모들은 물론이고 모든 사람들이 의 학 공부를 열심히 해서 인간의 삶의 기본 조건인 의,식,주, 건강 사랑을 잘 괂리해야 행복 하게 살 수 있다고 생각 한다.
In the past, there was a time when health care was focused on treatment, and then we learned that prevention should be done, leading to an era of health care focused on preventive treatment. Now, in this era, people are planning their own health without relying entirely on medical professionals as well as preventive treatment. The era of preventative diagnosis and treatment has come for each person. Therefore, I believe that everyone, including parents, can live happily if they study medicine diligently and take care of the basic conditions of human life: clothing, food, shelter, and health.