아프리카 돼지 열병 African Swine Fever 

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아프리카 돼지 열병 African Swine FeverPrint

African swine fever is a highly contagious and deadly viral disease affecting both domestic and wild pigs of all ages. ASF is not a threat to human health and cannot be transmitted from pigs to humans. It is not a food safety issue.

ASF is found in countries around the world, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. More recently, it has spread through China, Mongolia and Vietnam, as well as within parts of the European Union. It has never been found in the United States – and we want to keep it that way.

 이 병을 일으키는 바이러스가 사람에게 감염되어 사람에게 병을 일으키지는 않는다.

증상 : 열, 식욕 감퇴, 허약, 피부염, 설사 구토, 기침, 호흡곤란 등