John Sang won Lee Syndrome-Alopecia areata-Hyperthyroidism-Cross eye- double vision syndrome, thyrod eye disease (TED) 이상원 이상증후군 -원형탈모증-갑상선기능항진증-사시-복시증후군, 갑상선안질환(TED)

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John Sangwon Lee Syndrome -Alopecia areata-Hyperthyroidism-Cross eye- double vision syndrome, Thyroid eye disease(TED)

다른 병명; Alopecia areata-Hyperthyroidism-Cross eye- double vision syndrome 

이상원 증후군( 죤 상원 이 증후군) -원형탈모증-갑상선기능항진증-사시-복시증후군, 갑상선안질환(TED)

원인  모름

특이 증상, 징후:Alopecia areata-Hyperthyroidism-Cross eye- double vision,Thyroid eye disease(TED)

진단: 증상 진찰 갑상선 기능 검사, 시력 검사.

치료, 그때 그때필요에 따라 치료

John Sangwon Lee’s Syndrome -Alopecia areata-Hyperthyroidism-Cross eye- double vision syndrome, Thyroid eye disease(TED).

This sin drome was created by Jon Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP. 

John Sangwon Lee Syndrome -Alopecia areata-Hyperthyroidism-Cross eye- double vision syndrome, Thyroid eye disease(TED)

Other disease names: Alopecia areata-Hyperthyroidism-Cross eye- double vision syndrome +

Thyroid eye disease (TED)

Cause unknown
Specific symptoms and signs: Alopecia areata-Hyperthyroidism-Cross eye- double vision, Thyroid eye disease (TED)

Diagnosis: Symptom examination, thyroid function test, vision test.
Treatment, treatment as needed at the time