우쪽 안면 신경이 자궁내서 마비되었다. The right facial nerve was paralyzed in utero. A boy born as a twin fetus. Right facial nerve paralysis caused by pressure on the right side of the face by another fetus in utero. Full recovery occurred at 6 months of age.
쌍태아로 태어난 남ㄹ아. 자궁내에서 다른 태아에 바른쪽 얼굴이 눌려 생긴 우쪽 안면 신경 마비.
생후 6개월에 완전 회복 되었다.
The right facial nerve was paralyzed in utero.
A boy born as a twin fetus. Right facial nerve paralysis caused by pressure on the right side of the face by another fetus in utero.
Full recovery occurred at 6 months of age.