10대 임신률 증가의 원인. Causes of increased teenage pregnancy rate

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10 임신률 증가의 원인

  1. 건전한 자존심 결여,
  2. 또래 압력
  3. 신앙에 따라
  4. 육체적 성장
  5.  교육 정도에 따라
  6.  부모의 이혼이나 사별등으로 가정 기능 파괴
  7.  빈곤
  8. 등으로  10 임신률이 증가  있다. 

Causes of increased teenage pregnancy rate
lack of healthy self-esteem,
peer pressure
according to faith
physical growth
Depending on the level of education
Destruction of family functions due to parental divorce or death
As a result, the teenage pregnancy rate may increase.