X선 사진 검사로 본 정상 아랫다리 뼈와 골절의 종류 Normal low leg bones and the variety fractures of low leg bones in the X-ray examination

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X선 사진 검사로 본 정상 아랫다리 뼈와 골절의 종류 Normal low leg bones and the variety fractures of low leg bones in the X-ray examination


정상 아랫다리의 뼈


경골의 한쪽 면에서 반대 쪽 면까지 골절된 경골 골절


경골과 비골에 생긴 복합 골절


경골 골절비골 골절


Normal low leg bones and the variety fractures of low leg bones in the X-ray examination

The normal lower leg bones 


A tibia fracture with a fracture from one side of the tibia to the other side 


Complex fracture of the tibia and fibula


Tibia fracture, Fibula fracture

1-152.pnge normal lower leg bones A tibia fracture with a fracture from one side of the tibia to the other side Complex fracture of the tibia and fibula Tibia fracture, Fibula fracture

Copyright ⓒ 2015 John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP

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“The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your doctor may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances. “Parental education is the best medicine.”