생후 60일 전 미숙아들의 세균성 요로 감염을 권장 단기 항생제 치료도 치료 효과가 있다고 한다. Short-term antibiotic therapy, which is recommended for bacterial urinary tract infections in premature infants before the age of 60 days, is also said to be effective in treatment.  

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 생후 60일 전 미숙아들의 세균성 요로 감염을  권장 단기 항생제 치료도 치료 효과가 있다고 한다. 소스; 9/2019. Pediatrics  

Short-term antibiotic therapy, which is recommended for bacterial urinary tract infections in premature infants before the age of 60 days, is also said to be effective in treatment. sauce; 9/2019. Pediatrics