저자 이상원 소아과 전문의
John Sangwon Lee, MD. FAAP
저는 무의촌 안면도 섬 마을 농부의 자식으로 태어나 과외 공부도 한 번도 못
받고 의사가 됐습니다.
안면도에서 초등학교, 충남 홍성에서 홍성 중 고등학교를 졸업했습니다. 그리고 서울에서
연세의대를 졸업하고 의사가 되었습니다.
의과대학 6년 동안 재학 중 자취, 가정교사, 쓰레기 줍는 일 등을 하면서, 장학금을 타서 의과 대학을 다녔습니다.
졸업 후 무의촌에서 2년 동안 근무하고 국민의 의무를 다 하기 위해 3년 동안 군복무를 다 했습니다.
9남매들의 장남으로서 부모형제를 돌보면서 근 35만 명의 환자를 사랑으로 진료했습니다.
미국 커네티컷 UCONN 의과대학, 예일의과 대학 소아과 등에서 소아과학 수련을 받고 미국 소아과 전문의, 한국 소아 청소년 전문의가 되었습니다.
커네티컷주 한인회의 이사, 한인회 회장 등 직분을 받고 이 주 한국 교포사회에 봉사 활동도 하고 미국 초중 학교의 교의, 주민 무료 진료 등을 했습니다.
바쁜 소아과 진료를 하면서 전 세계 8천만 한국 사람들의 건강증진을 도모하기 위해 소아가정의학백과(1988년), 아들딸 이렇게 키워라, 임신 분만 신생아 돌보기, 마약과 아이들, 소아가정간호백과(부모도 반의사가 되어야한다 1998년) 등을 저작 해 전 세계 한국 아이들(0세부터 18~21세)이 건강하고 행복하게 자랄 수 있도록 한국 부모님들을 도와주려고 많이 노력했습니다.
과거 10년 동안 “부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다“-
www.koreapediatrics.com을 무료로 전 세계 8천만 학국사람들에게 제공하여 자녀들을 사랑하는 법, 사랑으로 자녀 훈련시키는 법, 올바르게 육아하는 법, 질환의 증상 징후 진단 치료 예방, 안전사고 예방하는 법 등에 관한 참고 자료와 지침서를 제공했습니다. 또 임신 분만 참고서, 모유, 모유수유, 소아성교육 도 저작했습니다
. 무료로 이런 자료와 정보를 제공하는데도 한계성이 있는줄로 알고 이제 극소 회원비를 받고 “부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다–
www.koreapediatrics.com“를 내 놓게됐습니다.
이렇게 살아온 저의 삶에 관해 이 기회에 여러 분들과 나누어 갖고 싶습니다.
저에게도 부족한 점이 많이 있습니다. 아낌없이 질정해 주시기 바랍니다.
99 Pigeon Road
Willimantic, CT 06226, USA Tel : (860) 456-4347 Email : leesangwonmd@yahoo.com |
▲ 안중국민학교 졸업, 충남 서산군 안면면, 1950
▲ 홍성 중학교 졸업 (Hongsong Middle School), 충남 홍성군 홍성읍, 1953
▲ 홍성 고등학교 졸업 (Hongsong High School), 충남 홍성군 홍성읍, 1957
▲ 연세대학교 공과대학 의예과 수료 1959
Yonsei University, Premedical Course, College of Science & Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 1957-1959
▲ 연세대학교 의과대학 졸업 1963
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Medical Doctor Degree, Seoul, Korea, 1959-1963
▲ 제 12기 대한민국 보건의 수료, 1964년 2월 29일
▲ 육군 군의학교 수료, 1965년 7월 3일
▲ 연세대학교 세브란스병원 무의촌 인턴과정 수료, 1963
Internship, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, 1963
▲ 연세대학교 정형외과 레지던트 수련 중 육군 군의학교 입대, 1965
The 1st year Orthopedic Resident, Yonsei University College of Medicine 1965 – till drafted to Korean Amy in 1965
▲ Internship, Manchester Memorial Hospital, Manchester, CT, USA, July 1968 to June 1969
▲ Pediatric Residencies, Health Center University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Hartford, CT, USA July 1969 to June 1970
▲ Pediatric Residencies, Health Center University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Hartford, CT, July 1970 to June 1971
▲ Pediatric Residencies, Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk. CT, July 1971 to June 1972 (Included 6 months at Yale-New Haven Hospital, Yale University College of Medicine, Yale University and 6 months at Norwalk Hospital)
(The following courses were taken at Yale-New Haven Hospital : Pediatric Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Cystic Fibrosis, Allergy, Inborn Error and Genetics, Hematology and Oncology, Newborn and Neurology)
▲ Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, Child Neurology Course, Boston, MA, September 15-19, 2014
▲ Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, Endocrine, MA, May 15-16, 2015
▲ Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, Infecious Diseases, Boston, MA, September 14-16, 2015
▲ American Academy of Pediatrics, Annual Meeting, 1975
▲ Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, Boston, MA, September 13 – 17, 1976
▲ Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, Boston, MA, May 16 – May 20, 1977
▲ Newington Children’s Hospital, “Orthopedic Symposium for the Primary Care Physician” June 8, 1978
▲ American Medical Association Physician Recognition Award : Valid until October 1, 1980
▲ University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education, “Recent Advances in Pediatrics for Practitioner” December 7, 1978
▲ Newington Children’s Hospital, “The Exceptional Child” March 14, 1979
▲ Yale University School of Medicine, Office of Graduate and Continuing Education, “Recent Advances in Pediatrics for the Practitioner”, November 28, 1979
▲ University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education, “Recent Advances in Pediatrics for Practitioner” May 15, 1980
▲ Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, Boston, MA June 2 – 6 1980
▲ University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education, “Recent Advances in Pediatrics”, 1981 (4 credits)
▲ Yale University School of Medicine, Office of Graduate and Continuing Education,
“Current Concepts in Otolaryngology for Primary Physician”, March 31, 1982
▲ Newington Children’s Hospital, “Rheumatic disorder of childhood”, May 20, 1982, 6½ hours
▲ The Windham Community Memorial Hospital, “The High Risk Infant, Indentification and Management”, November 30, 1982
▲ 4th Congress of Asian Pediatrics Symposium, Seoul, Korea September 20 – 24, 1982
▲ University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education, “Recent Advances in Internal Medicine”, February 27, 1985
▲ Audio-Digest Foundation, Certification of Accreditation – Oct. 29, 1985 40% pre test,
▪ 50% Post test, +10% Difference.
▪ Connecticut Medical Insurance Company, Continuing Medical Education, CMIC
Risk Management Seminar. 6 credits, August 9, 1986
▪ University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education,
▪ Recent advances in pediatrics for the practitioner, 4 credits hours in category I, 1988
▪ Glaxo Pharmaceutical, “Antibiotic update” 1 hour, Nov. 27, 1988
▲ Yale University School of Medicine, Office of Postgraduate and Continuing Medical Education, “Recent Advance in Pediatrics for the Practitioner” December 7, 1988
▲ CMIC, Certification of accomplishment Continuing Medical Education, CMIC Risk Management Self-study program Self-Assessment of the Office Practice 5 credits, Dec 28, 1990
▲ Windham Community Memorial Hospital, “Antibiotic Update”, November 7, 1988
▲ Windham Community Memorial Hospital, Neonatal Resuscitation Course sponsored by The American Academy of Pediatrics, 6 hours, March 1991,
▲ MSD Recent Advanced in the Prevention and Treatment of Bacterial Meningitis, March 21, 1991
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education of Accomplishment, “Neonatal Resuscitation Course” March, 1991 (6 credits)
▲ Connecticut Medical Insurance Company, Continuing Medical Education, CMIC Risk Management Self-Study Program “The Physician-Patient Relationship, Part V” December 2, 1991
▲ University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education, “Critical Issues in School Health 1992” March 25, 1992
▲ Hartford Hospital, Continuing Medical Education, “Pediatric Gastroenterology Update 1992” October 14, 1992 (2.5 credits)
▲ Yale University School of Medicine, Office of Postgraduate and Continuing Medical Education, “Recent Finding from The Neuroscience Revolution” November 6, 1992
▲ Connecticut Medical Insurance Company, Continuing Medical Education, CMIC Risk Management Self-Study Program “The Physician-Patient Relationship, Part VI” November, 1992
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Use of Minor Tranquilizers in Office Practice“ March 1, 1993 (1 credit)
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Recent Advances in Orthopedics” March 8, 1993
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Migraine Headaches” March 29, 1993
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Antibiotic Update” April 12, 1993
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “NIH Guidelines for Asthma Therapy” April 19, 1993
▲ Yale University School of Medicine, Office of Postgraduate and Continuing Medical Education, “Comprehensive Care of the Pediatric Patient: Managing Trauma in the Office Practice” May 12, 1993
▲ St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Continuing Medical Education, “Current Issues in Pediatrics for the Practitioner” April 6, 1994
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Asthma Update- Current Treatment for Asthma” February 28, 1994 (1 credit)
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Ethics and the Genetic Revolution” April 11, 1994
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Hyperlipidemia” April 18, 1994
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Sexually Transmitted Diseases” May 2, 1994
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis” May 23, 1994
▲ Newington Children’s Hospital, “Current Musculoskeletal Conditions in Children: An Update for the Primary Care Provider” May 18, 1994
▲ St. Mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT, Affiliated with Yale University School of Medicine, Office of Medical Education, “Mental Health Issues for the Pediatric Care Provider” November 3, 1994
▲ Newington Children’s Hospital, “Common Pediatrics Problems Ⅱ” November 12, 1994
▲ Miami Children’s Hospital, Emergency Medical Services, Pediatric Advanced Life Support / Trauma Life Support January 22, 1995 )
▲ Pediatric Postgraduate Course, Miami Children’s Hospital, Continuing Education in Pediatrics. January 22 – 26, 1995
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing of Accomplishment, “Neonatal Resuscitation Course” March, 1995
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Suicide in Pediatrics & Adolescents” October 9, 1995
▲ Connecticut Medical Insurance Company, Continuing Medical Education, CMIC Risk Management Self-Study Program “The Physician-Patient Relationship, Part IX” December 1995
▲ St. Francis Hospital, Continuing Medical Education, “Current Issues in Pediatrics for the Practitioner” April 4, 1996 (5 Credits)
▲ Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Center for Education, “Update on Management of the Epileptic Patient”, May 8, 1996
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “Clinical Implications of Antibiotic Resistance in the Critical Care Setting”, June 3, 1996
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “Methadone Usage”, June 17, 1996
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “Update on Therapy of Acid/Peptic Disorders”, September 16, 1996
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “New Developments in the Treatment of Diabetes”, September 30, 1996 (1.0 Credit)
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “Depression”, October 21, 1996
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “Helicobacter Pylori Update”, November 4, 1996
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “Epilepsy Update”, November, 11, 1996
▲ Connecticut Medical Insurance Company Continuing Education, CMIC Risk Management Self-Study Program, “The Physician-Patient Relationship, Critical Issues in Health Care Today”, November, 1996
▲ St. Francis Hospital Continuing Medical Education, “Current issues in Pediatrics for the Practitioner”, April 16. 1997
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “Detoxification for Drug and Alcohol Abuse”, January 13, 1997
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “Herpes Excitement”, January 27, 1997
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “Doctor-Patient Confidentially, Legal Liability”, March 24, 1997
▲ Windham Hospital Continuing Education, “Lyme Disease: Issues and Management”, June 30, 1997
▲ Connecticut Medical Insurance Company Continuing Medical Education, Risk Management Self-Study Program “The Physician-Patient Relationship, The Compendium Edition”, November, 1997
▲ The University of California, Irvine, College of Medicine, Department of Continuing Medical Education, “Clinical Management of Acute Headache”, November 15, 1997
▲ Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, “Current Clinical Issues in Primary Care”, November 14-16, 1997
▲ The University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, “Current Concepts Upper Respiratory Disease”, November 15, 1997
▲ Projects in Knowledge, Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, “Taking Control of Epilepsy in the Primary Care Setting”, November 16, 1997
▲ University of Connecticut School of Medicine Leon Chameides scientific Day, Dec. 6, 1997
▲ University of Connecticut Medical Health Center, “Nitty Gritty Course in Newborn Resuscitation”:
a) Umbilical Catheterization, b) Thoracentesis, c) Intubation CMIC October 20 – 21, 98
▲ University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School, Continuing medical Education “Medical Legal Vigilance in Asthma Care Therapy” November 14, 1998
▲ Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, “Current Clinical Issues in Primary Care”, November 13-15, 1998
Delivering on the Promise of Medicine: Where Are We Headed?
Common Problems in Primary Care
Pediatric Pearls
Pediatric Trends
Through the Patient’s Eyes
Pediatric Subspecialties
Updates in primary Care Practice
Asthma Therapy
Keeping Up with Medical Information
New Areas in Primary Care Practice
Special Areas in Primary Care
The University of Massachusetts Medical School, Office of Continuing Education, Acute headache, November 13, 1998
The University of Massachusetts Medical School, Office of Continuing Education, Asthma Therapy, Nov. 14, 1998
Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, Nov. 15, 1998
▲ Connecticut Medical Insurance Company Continuing Medical Education, Risk Management Self-Study Program “Meeting the Challenge in Today’s Physician Practice Expanding Liability issues”, November, 1998
▲ Windham C.M.H. “Diabetes Update”, September 28, 1998
▲ Windham C.M.H. “Treating Non-Malignant pain”, November 30, 1998
▲ Windham C.M.H. “Resistant Gram Positive Infection in the 1990’s and in the Future”, April 26, 1999
▲ Windham C.M.H. “Compliance for DRG’s”, October 13, 1999
▲ Windham C.M.H. “Sleeping Disorders” November 15, 1999
▲ Connecticut Medical Insurance Company, Continuing Medical Education “Meeting the Challenges in Today’s physician Practice-Part Ⅱ Exploring Practice Issues” November 1999
▲ Connecticut Medical Insurance Company Continuing Medical Education, “Risk Management in the Office Practice” November, 1999
▲ Windham C. M. H. “Current Treatment in moderate and End Stage COPD”, December 11, 1999
▲ Windham C.M.H. “Antibiotic Selection in the Age of Resistance in Respiratory Tract Infections”, February 7, 2000 (1.0 Credit)
▲ Imperatives in Asthma Management: the Teleconference Series 2/22/2000
▲ St. Francis Hospital Continuing Medical Education, The Center for Children’s Health and Development Dept. the Pediatrics, “Current Issue in Pediatrics for the Practitioner” May 3, 2000
▲ Windham C.M.H. “Asthma & Allergic Rhinitis” May 22, 2000
▲ NCME VIDEO PROGRAM GUIDE # “Diabetes: Managing a 21st Century Lifestyle Disease”.,July 31, 2000
▲ NCME VIDEO PROGRAM GUIDE #768 Communication: A Positive Approach to Risk Management, August 7, 2000
▲ NCME VIDEO PROGRAM GUIDE #770 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: An Ultrasound Approach, August 14, 2000
▲ University of Wisconsin madison Medical School“Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma” in 2000, September 6, 2000
▲ Windham C.M.H. “HIV Update” October 2, 2000(
▲ University of Wisconsin madison Medical School“Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma” in 2000, October 19, 2000
▲ Audio Digest Foundation
▲ Audio Digest Foundation
▲ Connecticut Medical Insurance Company Continuing Medical Education November, 2000
▲ CME Audioconferance Series: “Challenging Pediatric Asthma Cases” November 16, 2000 (
▲ The University of Connecticut Health Center, Newborn Intensive Care, May 20, 2005
▲ Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, “pediatric neurology 2014
▲ Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education, “Adult endocrinology 2015
▲ 그 외
BOARDS and LICENSES | 전문의 자격 시험 및 의사 면허 |
▲ 대한민국 의사국가시험 합격증 1963년 3월 26일
▲ 대한민국 의사 면허증 번호 10,367
▲ 대한민국 의사 면허증 갱신, 2011년 7월, 번호 7794.
▲ 대한민국 소아청소년과 전문의 자격증 1984년 4월 4일 번호 1198호
▲ The Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates 합격 번호 043-527
▲ License in Medicine – New York, USA, No. 111385(Flex)
▲ License in Medicine – Connecticut, USA, No. 016370- 2016
▲ License in Medicine – North Carolina, USA, No. 23594
▲ Diplomat of the American Board of Pediatrics, USA, No. 16067
MEMBER OF MEDICAL SOCIETIES | 의사협회 회원 및 소아청소년과 학회 회원 |
▲ New York State Medical Society, 1972 – 1973
▲ Wayne County Medical Society, 1972 – 1973
▲ Member,Connecticut State Medical Society, 1973 to present
▲ Windham County Medical Society, 1973 to present
▲ Member, Adolescent Section of American Academy of Pediatrics, 1984 to present
▲ Member, American Academy of Pediatrics Dedicated to The Health of all Children; Since 1974 to 2016
▲ Member, American medcal association 2016
▲ American Academy of Pediatrics, Regular 1974 – 2001
▲ American Academy of Pediatrics, Emeritus June 1, 2001 to present
▲ Health Director, Susan County Health Center, Chungnam, Korea, October 1963 – March 1965
▲ 수료증 육군 군의학교 중위 1965년
▲ First Lieutenant in Korean Amy Medical Corps, Korea, April 1965 – June 1968
▲ Specialist Ⅱ, Newark State School, Newark, New York 14513, July 1972 -November 1973
▲ Attending Physician at Newark-Wayne Community Hospital, Newark, New York and Lyons-Community Hospital, Barber Hospital, Lyons, New York, July 1972 to November 1973
▲ Solo Practice in Pediatrics, Willimantic, CT, Associate Staff, Windham Community Memorial Hospital, Willimantic, Connecticut, December 1973 to November 1974
▲ Solo Practice in Pediatrics, Active Staff, Windham Community Memorial Hospital, Willimantic Connecticut, December 1974 to September 1983
▲ Chairman of Library Committee of Windham Community Memorial Hospital, Willimantic Connecticut, 1977 to 1979
▲ 고신 의과대학, 초대 소아청소년과 주임교수 및 정교수 1983년 9월 ~ 1984년 2월 (자진 사퇴)
▲ Medical Staff, Newark Developmental Center, Newark, New York, February 1984 to August 1984
▲ University of Connecticut, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine,
Clinical Instructor, Effective July, 1993
▲ University of Connecticut, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine,
Assistant Clinical Professor, after Sept. 1, 1993
▲ University of Connecticut, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine,
Assistant Clinical Professor, after July 1. 1997
▲ University of Connecticut, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine,
Assistant Clinical Professor, after July 1. 1998
▲ University of Connecticut, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine,
Assistant Clinical Professor, July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002
▲ Active Staff, Windham Community Memorial Hospital, 1984 – 2001
▲ Chief of Pediatrics, Windham Community Memorial Hospital, 1981, 1990, 1993
▲ Member of Task Force, Long Range Planning Committee, Windham Community Memorial Hospital
▲ Members of Executive Committee, Windham Community Memorial Hospital Staff, 1981, 1990, 1994
▲ Member of Willimantic Country Club (1980, 1981, 1993, 1994)
▲ School Physician in Bozrah and Franklin Elementary School, Connecticut 1976 – 1983
▲ Members of Infectious Committee, Windham Community Memorial Hospital 1984 – 1993
▲ Physician of Windham Clinic, 1984 – 1985
▲ Many Speeches to Korean, Brazil, USA How to Really Love Your Children and Child Health since 1991
▲ Chairperson of http//www. koreapediatrics. com-[부모도 반의사가 되어야한다 – 소아가정의학 백과] and http://my.dreamwiz.com/drslee since March, 2001
▲ Honorable Retirement for Pediatric practice in November 5, 2001
▲ Free health cares for Korean in all over worlds through
http//www.koreapediatrics.com and http://my.dreamwiz.com/drslee since, 2001
▲ 홍성고등학교 1957년도 졸업 최고 우등생 충청남도 도지사 상
▲ Citation, Dick Brvenik, president of Windham Hospital
Edward R. Browne, M.D.
▲ American Academy of Pediatrics – Emeritus fellow status
▲ Local Pediatrician Also Noted Author- from Windham Hospital
▲ Windham Community Memorial Hospital, INC. acknowledges John Lee, M.D.
▲ “자녀를 어떻게 사랑해서 키우나” 세미나 – 홍성군수 이종근 감사패
▲ Guide to America’s Pediatricians 2002 – 2003
▲ In honor of Dr. John S. Lee from Minority community, Willimantic, Ct, USA
▲ Strathmore’s WHO’S WHO honors, John S. Lee, M.D.
▲ “In grateful appreciation” to John S. Lee, M.D. for 28 years of service 1973-2001 from Windham Hospital
▲ John Sangwon Lee, M.D. FAAP – National Registry of WHO’S WHO 2000 Edition
▲ 연세대학교 소아청소년과 감사장 -주임교수 이기영
▲ 어린이들 건강을 위한 세미나, 감사패 – 서산 시장 조규선
▲ 봉사정신과 무료진료에 대한 감사패- 충남 서산시 서동 새마을금고 이사장 김정한
▲ Korean-American Society of Connecticut as President During 1993
▲ 미국 President and Mrs. George Bush
▲ 미국 President and Mrs. George Bush의 The President’s Dinner party invitation
▲ Tom DeLay, Majority Leader’s invitation
▲ The National Republican Congressional Committee ‘National Leadership Award’ to Dr. John Lee Honorary,
Co-Chairman Physician’s Advisory board
▲ Staff Link Windham Hospital – 이상원 소아청소년과 전문의 퇴직
▲ National Registry of WHO’S WHO 2001 – 2001
▲ The Executive Committee, The Governing Members & The Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee Dr. John Lee in the City of Willimantic of the Great State of Connecticut
▲ President and Mrs, Ronald Reagan 83rd birth day party’s invitation
▲ President and Mrs, Ronald Reagan’s invitation
▲ 대한민국 평통자문위원 1993 – 1995
▲ 위촉장 – 2001년 연세대학교 뉴욕지구 동문회
▲ Certificate, This is certify that John S. Lee, M.D. -The Chamber of Commerce, Inc 2001
▲ Citation, John S. Lee from Windham’s Comminity baby Shower November, 2000
▲ Certificate of Appreciation John S. Lee, M.D.- Connecticut Statewide Deputy Sheriffs Association Windham County 2000
▲ Connecticut Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association Certificate of Appreciation John S. Lee, M.D. 2000
▲ Thank John S. Lee from Windham’s Comminity baby Shower May, 2000
▲ The appreciation letters, John S. Lee, M.D. -The Chamber of Commerce, Inc 2000
▲ Certificate of Appreciation YMCA of Willimantic In Recognition of John S. Lee, M.D. 1999
▲ 1999년 연세대학교 뉴욕지구 동문회 위촉
▲ The appreciation letters, John S. Lee from Windham’s Comminity baby Shower November, 1999
▲ The appreciation letters, John S. Lee from Windham’s Comminity baby Shower May, 1999
▲ The appreciation letters, This is certify that John S. Lee, M.D. -The Chamber of Commerce, Inc 1999
▲ The appreciation letters, Connecticut Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association Certificate of Appreciation John S. Lee, M.D. 1999
▲ Certificate of Appreciation YMCA of Willimantic In Recognition of John S. Lee, M.D. 1998
▲ The appreciation letters,, Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association Certificate of Appreciation John S. Lee, M.D. 1998
▲ The appreciation letters, This is certify that John S. Lee, M.D. -The Chamber of Commerce, Inc 1998
▲ 민주평화통일 자문회의 명예회원 위촉장, 대통령 김영삼 1995
▲ 위촉장 – 이상원 대전 엑스포’ 93
▲ The Volunteer Fireman Certificate of Appreciation Presented to John S. Lee, M.D.
▲ 1996 Windham Region Community Dial-A Ride Campaign Certificate of Appreciation John S. Lee, M.D
▲ 위촉장 – 1997년 연세대학교 뉴욕지구 동문회
▲ The appreciation letters, This is certify that John S. Lee, M.D. -The Chamber of Commerce, Inc 1997
▲ 2003 Republican Chairman’s Honor Roll- John – 2쪽
▲ MOM& I 잡지 표지
▲ MOM& I 잡지 Board of Advisers, John S. Lee, M.D.
▲ Connecticut State, Governor John G Rowland award in 2003
▲ American Medical Association ‘Physician’s Recognition Award’ 1980
▲ ConnectiCare the Children’s health and Well-Being Award Recommend letter by Joseph Lee, M.D.
▲ ConnectiCare ‘the Children’s health and Well-Being Award
▲ Thank you from Annie and Frank Cronin
Joining Hands 2005, Commemoration aniversary Award, NewYork, Intercultural community, Horable
Chairman, New York, State Senator, Frank Padaban
▲ 그 외
▲ 소아가정의학 백과, 서문당 (Home Medical Care for Newborns, Infants, Children and Adolescents) 619 Pages, 1988
▲ 「10대 아들 딸 이렇게 키워라」「How to Really Love Your Teenager」 by Ross Campbell, M.D., 역저, 1991
▲ 「소아가정간호백과-부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다」 청문각 1998
▲ 「”부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다”-http://www.koreapediatrics.com」홈페이지 저작과 운영
▲ www.doctorleeflowerphoto.com. 2001 ~ presents
▲ 「마약과 아이들」 열린지성, 1995
▲ 「임신에서 신생아 돌보기까지」청문각, 1998
▲소아 성장 발육 육아(626쪽), 도서출판 좋은 땅 2014년, 7월 21일
▲ 모유 모유수유 이유, 도서출판 좋은 땅 2014년 9월 12일
▲ 신생아 성장 발육 양호, 질병(611쪽) 2014년 10월 17일
▲ 소아청소년 뇌전증( 간질)+뇌전증 백문 백답 2015년 좋은 땅 7월
▲ ‘아들 딸 조건 없는 진정한 사랑으로 키우세요 그리고 인성교육은 이렇게’를 양서각에서 출간 중
각종 기고 |
▲ 더 건강하게-더 즐겁게 삽시다, 중앙일보
▲ 자녀교육 -상- 우리의 자녀들이 마약에 물들고 있다, 눈길 신체적 접촉은 가장 뉴욕 한국일보
▲ 임신 초기 임부의 감정, 한국일보
▲ 자녀교육 -하- 우리의 자녀들이 마약에 물들고 있다, 18세 청소년중 40%가 마약 경험, 뉴욕 한국일보
▲ 10대 자녀의 영적 발달을 돕는 일- 2 뉴욕 한국일보
▲ 자녀 성장기에 따른 예방접종 1993년, 총 연신문
▲ 건강특집 이상원 박사의 「소아가정간호백과-부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다」 3년간 연재, 세계일보
▲ 10대 아들, 딸 이렇게 키워라- 우울증 풀기 위해 때로 과격행동도 일삼아, 세계일보
▲ “항생제 치료받아야” 한국일보
▲ 아이의 훔치는 버릇, 미주 중앙일보
▲ 소아 기관지 천식, 한국일보
▲ 십대의 임신, 한국일보
▲ 유아기 감기, 한국일보
▲ 보통 3-5분 정도 재고 부위에 따라 체온도 조금씩 차이, 한국일보
▲ 우유 알레르기, 유당효소 부족한 아이 복통 설사 등 일으킬 수도, 한국일보
▲ 자녀들 성교육, 커네티컷주 한인회보 99년 제 3호
▲ 그 외 다수
언론에 비친 이상원 소아청소년과 전문의 |
▲ Physian puts patients first 환자를 우선 생각하는 소아청소년과 전문의 이상원, Norwich Bulletin
▲ State School Names Medical Specialist
▲ 이상원 박사 ‘소아가정간호백과-부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다’ 퀸에서
▲ Willimantic pediatrician called the ‘Dr. Spock’ of Korea the Clonicle
▲ Young Ben Boucher is on the men- Chronicle
▲ Forum looks at family violence child abuse-Hartford courant 1992 May
▲ Korean-American try to find middle-Hartford courant 1993 April
▲ Safe New Vaccine Comment the Chronicle 1985 5월
▲ Hospital News – 고신의대 소아청소년과 주임교수 부임
▲ 부모들은 알레르기에 대해 알아야 한다 – Chronicle 1982년 3월
▲ Eastern Wayne to Have part-time pediatrician- 1973
▲「부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다」 – 연세소식
▲ 어른이 알아야 할 소아가정의학 지침서 「부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다」- 뉴욕 한국일보
▲「10대 아들딸 이렇게 키워라」, 이상원 동창과 홍원표 교수- 연세대학교 의료원소식
▲ 서산출신 소아청소년과전문의 이상원 박사- 서령신문
▲ 자녀교육 부모관심 가장 중요- 대전일보
▲ 그 외
TV, 라디오, 세미나, 무의촌진료, 무료건강검진 등을 통한 무료의료 활동 |
▲ 안면도 무의촌 진료활동 – 의과대학 재학 중
▲ 아동양육 이상원 박사 – East Rock Institute New Haven, CT
▲ 사랑하는 자녀 이렇게 키우라- 이상원 박사 초청 세미나
▲ 이상원 의학박사 청소년 교육을 위한 부모초청세미나 브라질 기독신문
▲ “사랑하는 자녀 이렇게 키워라” 이상원 박사 초청 브라질
▲ “사랑하는 자녀 이렇게 키워라” – 자녀와 부모 및 교포지도자 , 브라질
▲ “사랑하는 자녀 이렇게 키워라” 이상원 의학박사 청소년 교육을 위한 부모초청세미나 브라질 기독신문
▲ 자녀교육 부모관심 가장 중요- 대전일보 1993년 8월 9일
▲ 아이들을 어떻게 사랑해서 길러야 하나? 교양강좌 – 현대석유화학 소식
▲ 자녀에겐 조건 없는 사랑 필요- 서산방문 대전일보
▲ 무료 건강 상담 및 세미나에 대한 이모저모
▲ 홈 닥터 이상원 무엇이든 물어보세요에 대한 세미나 – 방배초등학교
▲ 알레르기성 질환에 관한 세미나 – 미 커네티컷주 한인장로교회 장년회
▲ 좌담 시간에 대한 편지 – 미주 기독교 방송국
▲ Ch. 48 TV-KOREA- “청소년 교육 무엇이 문제인가” 좌담회 1996년 6월 9일
▲ 사랑하는 자녀를 이렇게 키워라- 보스톤 성결교회 1999년 5월 23일
▲ 부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다 – 아이들을 어떻게 사랑해서 키우느냐에 대한 세미나 – 호서대학 2002년 5월
▲ 뉴헤이븐 한인교회 – 무료건강진료 2003 7월
17대 커네티컷주 한인회장과 이사로 활동하면서하면서
▲ 한인회장직을 마치면서 – 감사장 1993년
▲ Senator Christopher Dodd, 미 상원의원의 편지
▲ 커네티컷 한인회 신임회장에 당선
▲ Congresswomen Nancy Johnson미 하원의원
▲ 미 커네티컷주 Governor The Honorable Lowell P. Weicker, Jr
▲ 커네티컷주 한인회, 장학금 기금마련을 위해 뉴욕 한국 총영사배 쟁탈 골프대회 개최, 한국일보
▲ 커네티컷주 한인회, 장학기금마련 골프대회 – 세계일보
▲ 커네티컷주 한인 주소록 발간준비 – 한국일보
▲ 총연회장 신영필의 편지 – 각 분과위원회 사업계획 및 예산안
▲ 커네티컷 한인회 무료건강진단 – 한국일보에 기사화
▲ 커네티컷 한인회 무료건강진단 실시 – 한국일보에 기사화
▲ 뉴욕 총영사 이현홍 대사님을 모시고
▲ 뉴욕 한인회 회장 김재택의 서신
▲ AT & T -한인회 모금을 위한 서신
▲ 한인 망년회 초청의 말씀
▲ 커네티컷주 한인회 송년의 밤 – 중앙일보
▲ 커네티컷주 한인회 「송년의 밤」 – 중앙일보
▲ 커네티컷주 한인회 정총회 – 조선일보
▲ 커네티컷주 한인회 송년행사성황 – 세계일보
▲ 아듀 1993년- 총연신문
▲ 커네티컷주 한인 주소록 1993
▲ 커네티컷주 한인회지 제4권 1호 발행, 한인회장 이상원
▲ 커네티컷주 한인회지 제4권 2호 발행, 한인회장 이상원
▲ 커네티컷주 한인회지 제4권 3호 발행, 한인회장 이상원
▲ 커네티컷주 한인회지 제4권 4호 발행, 한인회장 이상원
▲ 그 외
골수이식을 위한 골수기증자를 찾는 캠페인
▲ 골수이식으로 교포의사 살리자, 한국일보
▲ 작은 사랑으로 귀한 생명 구 한다
▲ 한인사회에 혈액검사 동참 호소
▲ 한인 골수기증자 등록 캠페인에 관한 호소문
▲ 산부인과 의사 ooo씨를 살리자, 골수이식으로
▲ ooo씨를 위한 골수이식 기증자 찾기 운동
▲ Date of Birth : October 9, 1936
▲ 부인 이춘자
▲ 두 아들과 한 딸
▲ 손자 둘, 손녀 하나
Hobby 취미생활
▲ Golfing, Photographing, Fishing, Gardening, Reading, House Painting and Repairing and etc.