“Raise Your Sons and Daughters with Real Unconditional Love” written by Dr. John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP. and Published by Dorrrance Publishing Company will promote how to love children. “아들 딸 진정한 조건 없는 사랑으로 키우세요,

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Children are our treasure, hope, and feature.

Also, Children are treasures, hope, and features for families, nations, the world, and Heaven.

“Raise Your Sons and Daughters with Real Unconditional Love,” written by Dr. John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP, and Published by Dorrance Publishing Company, will promote how to love children.

“아들 딸 진정한 조건 없는 사랑으로 키우세요, 미국 소아과 전문의 이상원저” 이 책은 서울 양서각에서 한글판으로 이미 출간 되었습니다. “Raise Your Sons and Daughters with Real Unconditional Love” 은 “아들 딸 진정한 조건 없는 사랑으로 키우세요”의 영어 판이라고도 할수 있습니다. 읽어 보세요. 이상원드림

“Raise Your Sons and Daughters with Real Unconditional Love” written by Dr. John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP, and Published by Dorrrance Publishing Company will promote how to love children.

Children are our treasure, hope, and feature.
Also, Children are treasures, hope, and features for families, nations, the world, and Heaven.
“Raise Your Sons and Daughters with Real Unconditional Love” written by Dr. John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP, and Published by Dorrrance Publishing Company will promote how to love children.
“Raise your sons and daughters with true, unconditional love, by Lee Sang-won, an American pediatrician.”

This Korean version of the book has already been published in Korean by Yangseo-gak, Seoul. “Raise Your Sons and Daughters with Real Unconditional Love” can also be said to be the English version of “Raise Your Sons and Daughters with Real Unconditional Love.” Try reading this both please.

Lee Sang-won,MD.,FAAP