소아가정 간호백과 총 25권 웹사이트 개략 신생아기, 영아 유아기, 학령기, 사춘기 자녀 육아, 건강 관리, 질병, 예방, 자녀사랑, 인성교육 필수 지침 바이블 Outline of Encyclopedia 25 Volumes website – Home Medical Care for Children and Adolescents Essential parenting guide bible for child-rearing, health management, diseases, prevention, diseases, and safety accidents, loving care for children, character(humanity) education for newborns, infants, toddlers, preschool-children, school-age children, adolescents.

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소아가정 간호백과 총 25권 웹사이트 개략

신생아기, 영아 유아기, 학령기, 사춘기 자녀 육아, 건강 관리, 질병, 예방, 자녀사랑, 인성교육 필수 지침 바이블

미국 커네티컷 의과대학 소아과, 예일 대학교 의과대학 소아과 및 하트포드병원 등 종합 병원의 분만실, 신생아실, 소아과 병실, 소아클리닉, 소아과 개인병원 등에서 40여년 동안 진료하면서 얻은 소아과학 경험, 방대하고 최신 소아과학 자료와 직접 촬영한 의료 영상 만 여개가 있는 육아 건강 질병치료 예방 사랑 참고용 소아과학 한글 영어 병용내용 4만여 페이지 분량 “웹소아과 부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다” www. drleepediatrics.com 총 25권을 내 놓습니다.

언제든지 어디서든지 필요할 때 전부 열람해 이용하실 수 있습니다. 전 세계 8천만 한인들과 70억  인류, 특히 조국 남한과 이북 부모형제자매 여러분들이 많이 이용하시기를 바랍니다.

미국 및 한국 소아청소년과 전문의 이상원 드림


Outline of Encyclopedia 25 Volumes website – Home Medical Care for Children and Adolescents

Essential parenting guide bible for child-rearing, health management, diseases, prevention, diseases, and safety accidents, loving care for children, character(humanity) education for newborns, infants, toddlers, preschool-children, school-age children, adolescents.

Most information on this website is the basis of pediatric knowledge, experiences obtained during training for pregnancy, labor, delivery, care for newborns, infants, toddlers, preschool children, school-age children, adolescent-children, health care, disease, prevention for diseases and safety accidents, loving care for children, humanity education at the delivery rooms, neonatal rooms, pediatric wards, pediatric clinics in my medical school-Yonsei University School of Medicine, the Department of Pediatrics of the University of Connecticut Medical School, the Department of Pediatrics of Yale University School of Medicine, and the general hospitals such as Hartford Hospital and Windham Hospital and others, and my 32-year private pediatric practice, up-to-date information on pediatrics from various medical journals and medical books and my whole life.

I am releasing a total of 25 volumes of “Web Pediatrics, “Parents Should Become At Least the Half- Doctors” with more than 40,000 pages of English and Korean versions for pediatric and adolescent medicine for rearing, parenting, health care, diseases, treatment, prevention for diseases and safety accidents, and loving child care, with over 10,000 medical images photos taken directly by me.

You can visit all of the contents whenever and wherever you need them.

I hope that 80 million Koreans worldwide, especially in the homeland of South Korea and North Korea take advantage of this, and I hope 70 billion people worldwide use this website.

John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP

American pediatric board-certified and Korean board-certified