남북한 평화 통일 할때가 왔다. The time has come for the peaceful unification of North and South Korea.

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남북한 평화 통일 할때가 왔다. The time has come for the peaceful unification of North and South Korea

남북 평화 통일 할때가 왔다.

이미 나는 ‘부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다- 2020년까지 www.koreapediatrics.com을 통해 소아 청소년 양호 육아 건강 관리 질병, 예방 , 인성교육, 자녀 사랑 바아불을 이북 동포들에게, 그리고 전 세계 8천 만 한인들에게 한푼도 받지 않고 남북한 지도자들로부터 잘한다란 칭찬 한마디도 듣지 못하고 돈 한픈 벌지도 못하고 아낌 없이 주었습니다.
2021년 전 부터는 www.drleepediatrics.com 4만 페이지 한글 영어내용을 통해서 계속 주고 있습니다.
남북 한인 여러분, 전세계 한인 여러분! 웃으시면서 박수 처 주세요. 이 것은 범사가 아닙니다.
특히,전세계 기독교인들께서도 감사하다는 말씀을 해 주세요. 정치인들도 지도자들도 8천만 한일들과 같이 사랑으로 총칼 없이 남북한 평화 통일 하세요.
소아 청소년 육아용으로 저의 www.drleepediatrics.com 웹사이트를 가저다 손질해 쓰세요. 전 세계 8천 만 한인들께서 다 같이 평화 통일 하세요. 전세계에서 모여들은 사람물결이 미-멕시코 간 미 국경을 총칼로 싸우지 않고 미국내로 이민하고 있는 때임니다.
왜 우리 남북한 부모 형제 자매들 끼리 38선을 건너 오고 가고 하면서 남북한사람들을 평화롭게 살지 못합니까.
어찌해서 부모 형제 자매들이 총칼을 버리고 평안히 행복하게 살지 못합니까. 10여년전 인터넷을 통해 쏘련, 중국, 아프리카 등 전세계모든 지역 한인들에게 건강 상담을 5천 건을 해 준적이 있습니다. 남북한 우리 동족끼리 서로 오고 가지 안해도 대화를 할 수 있습니다. 이런 식으로 남북 통일을 지금 당정 시작 하세요.
삼성 전자 폰 등을 이북에 증정 하세요. 자동차를 증정 하세요. 남북 철도를 개설 이용하세요. 저도 이북에 가서 무료 소아과 진료를 늙어도 할께요.
안녕하시기를 기도드립니다.
소아과 전문의 이상원

The time has come for the peaceful unification of North and South Korea.

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,


You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”

But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.

And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.

Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.

To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.

0Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods, do not demand them back.

And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them

The time has come for the peaceful unification of North and South Korea.

I have already said, ‘Parents must also become half-doctors – by 2020, through www.koreapediatrics.com, we will provide pediatric and adolescent nursing, child care, health care, disease prevention, humanity education, and love for children to our North Korean compatriots, and to the 80 million Koreans around the world.

I did not receive a single penny from the people, did not hear a word of praise from North and South Korean leaders, and did not earn a single penny, but gave generously.
Starting before 2021, www.drleepediatrics.com will continue to provide about 40,000 pages of Korean and English content.
Koreans in North and South Korea, Koreans around the world!

Please smile and applaud.

This is not everything.
In particular, please say thank you to Christians around the world.

Politicians and leaders, along with the 80 million Koreans, should unite North and South Korea peacefully with love and without guns or swords.
Please customize my www.drleepediatrics.com website for parenting purposes for children and adolescents.

Let the 80 million Koreans around the world achieve peaceful unification together.

It is a time when waves of people from all over the world are immigrating to the United States rather than fighting across the U.S.-Mexico border with guns and swords.
Why can’t we, North and South Korean parents, brothers and sisters, cross the 38th parallel and go back and forth and live in peace?
Why can’t parents, brothers, and sisters put aside guns and swords and live peacefully and happily? About ten years ago, I provided 5,000 health consultations via the Internet to Koreans worldwide, including the Soviet Union, China, and Africa. Our compatriots in North and South Korea can have conversations without having to go back and forth with each other. In this way, start unifying North and South Korea now.
Give a Samsung phone, etc., to Ebook. Give away a car. Take advantage of the opening of the North-South railway. I will also go to North Korea and get free pediatric treatment even if I grow old.
I hope you are well.
Pediatric specialist Lee Sang-won