한국의 저출산, 급증하는 청소년 자살률, 높은 청소년 우울증, 높은 이혼율의 원인은 많다. There are many reasons for Korea’s low birth rate, rapidly increasing youth suicide rate, high youth depression, and high divorce rate. Of course, it can be caused by food, clothing, shelter, health, and love issues. The biggest reason is that children are not raised with true love. You can solve this problem by using the website “Raise Your Sons and Daughters with True Unconditional Love” (Dorrance), “Raise Your Sons and Daughters with True Unconditional Love and This is How to Educate Humanity” (Yangseo-gak), “ – Parents Should Become Anti-Doctors Too”.

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한국의 저출산, 급증하는 청소년 자살률, 높은 청소년 우울증, 높은 이혼율의 원인은 많다. 물론 의식주 건강 사랑 문제들로 생길수 있다. 그 중 가장 큰 원인은 자녀들을 진정 한 사랑으로 키우지 않는데 있다. 『아들 딸을 진정한 조건 없는 사랑으로 키우라』(Dorrance), 『조건 없는 진정한 사랑으로 아들딸을 키워라 그리고 인간성 교육은 이렇게 』 (양서각), “ -부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다” 홈페이지를 이용하면 해결될 수 있습니다 .

There are many reasons for Korea’s low birth rate, rapidly increasing youth suicide rate, high youth depression, and high divorce rate. Of course, it can be caused by food, clothing, shelter, health, and love issues. The biggest reason is that children are not raised with true love. You can solve this problem by using the website “Raise Your Sons and Daughters with True Unconditional Love” (Dorrance), “Raise Your Sons and Daughters with True Unconditional Love and This is How to Educate Humanity” (Yangseo-gak), “ – Parents Should Become Anti-Doctors Too”.