하나님이 우리 인간에게 주신 처방전 Prescription given to people by God

이메지 Source – Yahoo
1.군자 3 락(즐거움)을 갖고 살라 There are 3 pleasure and satisfaction in happy success men or women
부모가 사라계시고 건강하시고 행복하고 형제자매가 건강하고 행복 하면 제1락 (즐거움)이요
When parents are alive, healthy, and happy, and brothers and sisters and/or family are happy, he or he will feel pleasure and satisfaction.
하늘을 울러러 볼때나 이 세상을 두루 살펴 볼때 부끄럼이 없으면 제 2락 (즐거움)이요
When he or she is not ashamed in front of God and the world, he or she will feel pleasure and satisfaction.
남을 가르칠 수 있고 도울수 있으면 제 3락이요. 즉 맹자의 군자 3락 (즐거움)을 갖고 살라
When he or she can help or teach others. He or he will feel pleasure and satisfaction..
권력, 금전, 명예는 3락에 속 하지 않는다. Somebody who has Power, money, and fame may not feel pleasure and satisfaction.
2. First Do Not Harm Hippocratic Oath
정신적으로 심리적으로 육체적으로 물질적으로 성적으로 사회 배경으로 해를 주지 말고 네몸과 네 가족을 대 하듯이 치료 하라
3. 모세의 계명
네 부모를 공경하라.
살인하지 말라.
간음하지 말라.
도둑질하지 말라.
네 이웃에 대하여 거짓 증거하지 말라.
네 이웃의 집을 탐내지 말라. 네 이웃의 아내나 남종이나 여종이나 소나 나귀나 소유 중 아무것도 탐내지 말라.
4.간디의 7대 죄악 Gandhi’s Seven Sins
1- Wealth without work(일하지 않고 노력 않고 거부가 되는 것은 큰 죄악이요)
2- Pleasure without conscience( 양심 가책을 받는 쾌락은 큰 죄악이요)
3- Knowledge without character(인격이 없는 지식은 큰 죄악이요)
4- Commerce without morality(윤리 도덕에 위배되는 장사는 큰 죄악이요)
5- Science without humanity(인간성과 박애 없는 과학은 큰 죄악이요)
6- Worship without sacrifice(희생 없는 숭배는 큰 죄악이요)
7- Politics without principle(원리 원칙 없는 정치는 큰 죄악이요)
5. 소아과 전문의 이상원 5Cs (Pediatrician John Sangwon Lee’s 5 Cs)- Compassion 동정, Concern 관심사를 가지고, Communication 대화를 잘 하고, Curing problems or solving problems 문재를 잘 해결 하라, Fallowing Care 후속처리를 잘 하라
Compassion 동정, Concern 관심을 가지고, Communication 대화를 잘 하고, Curing problms or solving problems 문재를 잘 해결 하라, Care 후속처리를 잘 하라
6. ‘Drleepdiatrics.com 부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다’로 자녀들을 건강 행복하게 육아 하라.
Drleepediatrics.com- Parenting, health, disease, nursing, love, prevention, and humanity education for children and adolescents
소아 청소년 자녀들의 육아, 건강, 질병, 간호, 사랑, 예방, 인성교육
“Parents should be the half-doctors”-“부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다”
Author, John Sangwon Lee, M.D., FAAP
Korean and American pediatric board-certified
한국, 미국 소아과 전문의 이상원 저자
John sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP
7. Raise your sons and daughters with real unconditiollove, Dorrance, pub
8. 아들 딸 조건 없는 진정한 사링으로 키우새요 그리고 인성 교육은 이렇게. 양서각
9. 소아 가정 간호 백과-부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다. 청문각
10. 임신 분만 출산 신생아 돌보기까지. 청문각
11. 대인 관계에서 많이 쓰면 좋은 말들, The short course in human relationship
제가 잘못했습니다. 잘못한 저를 용서해주세요 (I was wrong, please forgive me).
당신은 참 잘 하셨습니다. (You did a good job).
당신의 의견을 듣고 싶습니다. (What is your opinion).
제가 도와드릴까요. (Can I help you).
감사합니다. (Thank you).
“당신 또는 나” (You or I). 원 저자-모름
Image Source – Yahoo
The 3 Pleasures and satisfaction in happy success men or women
When parents are alive, healthy, and happy, and brothers and sisters and/or family are happy, he or she will feel pleasure and satisfaction.
When he or she looks up to heaven or looks around the world, he or she is not ashamed in front of God and the world, he or she will feel pleasure and satisfaction.
When he or she can teach and help others, he or she will feel pleasure and satisfaction.
In other words, the three pleasures of 3 pleasures of Mencius
When he or she can help or teach others, he or he will feel pleasure and satisfaction.
Somebody who has only power, money, or honor is not among the three pleasures. Somebody who has power, money, and fame may not feel pleasure and satisfaction..
2. First, Do Not Harm the Hippocratic Oath
Do not harm others mentally, psychologically, physically, materially, sexually, or socially. Treat them as you would your own body and your family.
3. The Commandments of Moses
Honor your father and mother.
Do not kill.
Do not commit adultery.
Do not steal.
Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Do not covet your neighbor’s house. Do not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that belongs to him.
4. Gandhi’s Seven Sins
1- Wealth without work (Rejection without work and effort is a great sin)
2- Pleasure without conscience (Pleasure with a guilty conscience is a great sin)
3- Knowledge without character (Knowledge without character is a great sin)
4- Commerce without morality (Commerce that violates ethics and morality is a great sin)
5- Science without humanity (Science without humanity and philanthropy is a great sin)
6- Worship without sacrifice (Worship without sacrifice is a great sin)
7- Politics without principle (Politics without principle is a great sin)
5. Pediatrician John Sangwon Lee’s 5 Cs
– Compassion, Concern, Communication, Curing problems or solving problems, following care
Compassion, Concern, Communication, Curing problems or solving problems, Care, follow up well
6. Raise your children healthily and happily with ‘Drleepdiatrics.com Parents should also become doctors.
Drleepediatrics.com- Parenting, health, disease, nursing, love, prevention, and humanity education for children and adolescents
Parenting, health, disease, nursing, love, prevention, and humanity education for children and adolescents
“Parents should be the half-doctors”-“Parents should be the half-doctors”
Author, John Sangwon Lee, M.D., FAAP
Korean and American pediatric board-certified
Author Lee Sang-won, a Korean and American pediatrician
John sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP
7. Raise your sons and daughters with real unconditional love, Dorrance, pub.
8. Raise your sons and daughters with unconditional true love, and humanity education is like this. Yangseo-gak
9. Pediatric home nursing encyclopedia-Parents should be the half-doctors, Cheongmoon gak
10. Pregnancy, labor, delivery, and newborn care. Cheongmoon gak
11. Words that are good to use a lot in interpersonal relationships. The short course in human relationship
I was wrong. I was wrong, please forgive me.
You did a good job.
I’d like to hear your opinion.
Can I help you?
Thank you.
“You or I.”
Original author-Unknown