빈대, 벼룩, 이, 모기 등애 물리면서 컸다 I grew up being bitten by bedbugs, fleas, lice, and mosquitoes.

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빈대, 벼룩모기  물리면서 컸다. I grew up being bitten by bedbugs, fleas, lice, and mosquitoes.


나는 장등개 초가 3 집에서 태어났다.

 어렸을  자는  벽에서 빈대가 설설 기어다는 것을 손바닥으로 치면 빨간 피가 티어 나오면서 죽는 것을 보았다.

따금 해서 보면 벼룩이 나를 물고 띄어 도망치는 것도 봤다.

특히 밤이 되면 모기기 물어 따끔 하면 손으로  죽이면 피가 나고 피부가 가려웠다
말라라어에 걸려 죽을 뻔 하기도 했다.
머리에는 머리 이가 기생하고 있고 알을  놓았다.  
몸에는  이가 있어 시간이 나면  알을 잡고 이를 잡았다.

우리 집뿐만 아니라 거의 모든 집에서 빈대벼룩이 있었다.

이때는  승만 대통령이 정권을 잡고 있었는  누구 하나 이런 건강 관리 문제로 국가 차원에서 정책을  것을 생각 하지 안했다.

부모도 누구도 이런 건강 문제를 보통으로 생각 했다.

그뿐만 아니라 모기에 물려 하루 살이를 않고 일본뇌염에 걸려 아이들이 많이 죽었다.

6 25 전쟁후 DDT  등이 있어 이에 물리는 것이 줄어 들었다.

 다행히도 성교해서 옴기는 성교 이는  봤다.

저녁이면 머리이와 이알 양쪽 엄지 소가락 손틉으로 눌러 죽였다.

옷이는 옷에 알을 낳으면 그것도 같은 방법으로 죽였다.

한국에서 중학교에 다닐 때까지 이런 기생충증이  했다.

거기다가 촌충회충, 12    소화기 기생충증으 고생 했다.

 약으로 구충하고 기생충증에 걸리지 않게 건강 관리를  해서  이상  기생 충증에 지금은  걸리지 않는다.

미국에서 외국 이민자들이 빈대 등을 지니고 와서 고생 하기도 한다. 그리고 외국 유행 할때 이 런 기생충 증에 걸리지 않개 조심 해야 한다.

I grew up being bitten by bedbugs, fleas, lice, and mosquitoes.

I was born in a three-room thatched house in Jangdeunggae.

When I was young, I saw bedbugs crawling on the wall of the room I was sleeping in. When I hit them with my palm, red blood came out, and they died.

When I looked closely, I saw fleas biting me and running away.

Especially at night, when mosquitoes bit me and stung, I hit them with my hand and they bled and my skin was covered. I almost died from malaria.

There were head lice parasitizing my head and laying eggs. There were body lice on my body, so when I had time, I caught the eggs and killed them.

Not only in our house, but in almost every house, there were lice, bedbugs, and fleas.

At that time, President Syngman Rhee was in power, but no one thought of making a national policy for this health management issue.

No one, not even the parents, thought of this health issue as something trivial.

Not only that, many children died from Japanese encephalitis after being bitten by mosquitoes.

After the Korean War, there was DDT, etc., so lice bites decreased.

Fortunately, I never saw any lice that came from sexual intercourse.

In the evening, I killed the head lice and the eggs by pressing them with both my thumbnails.

If the clothes lice laid eggs on my clothes, I killed them in the same way.

I had severe parasitic diseases until I was in middle school in Korea.

On top of that, I suffered from digestive parasites such as tapeworms, roundworms, and intestinal worms.

I gradually took medicine to deworm them and took good care of my health so that I wouldn’t get parasitic diseases, so I don’t get these parasitic diseases anymore.

In the US, foreign immigrants sometimes bring bedbugs and other diseases and suffer. And you have to be careful not to get these parasitic diseases when they are prevalent abroad.
