내가 어 렸을때 안면도내 소고기 돼지 고기 등을 팔고사서 먹는 푸죽 간이 없었다 When I was young, I didn’t have the liver to buy and sell beef, pork, etc.

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내가 어 렸을때 안면도 내 소고기, 돼지 고기 등을 팔고 사서 먹는 푸죽 간이 없었다

When I was young, I didn’t have a store to buy and sell beef, pork, etc.

우리 인간은  탄수화물단백질지방미네랄비티민이 들어 있는 음식물을 적당히 매일 먹어야  건강한 몸을 유지  할 수 있다.

연구에 따라 나 나이에 따라 다르지만  탄수화물로부터의 에너지 섭취비율은 55~65%, 단백질로부터의 에너지 섭취비율은 7~20%, 지방으로부터의 에너지 섭취비율은 15~30% 섭취하는 것이 좋다고 권고합니다.

단백질은 모든 연령층에서 새로운 조직의 발달성장과 건강을 유지하는  필수적인 영양소입니다.

육류 고기생선달걀  단백질 식품을 다른 식품과 함께  언급한 영양소를 골고루 섭취하는 것이 중요합니다.

 내가 자랄때 나의 부모님들이나 나와 동생들식구들이 섭취했던 음식물을 여기서 소개 한다.

   음식물은 이런 식으로 먹어야 건  큰다고  가르쳐 주는 사람도 하나도 없었다.

 당시 쌀, 보리녹두보리 감자 감자   음식 물에서 탄수화물을섭취하는 것이 보통였다.

집에서 닭을 기르고 달걀을  내어 닭고기와 닭걀  백질을 섭취 하기도 하고  드물게 돼지를 길러 잡아 먹기도 했다.

장등개 동네 13 초가집에서 거의 소도 기를지 않고 가끔 소를 사서 명절  동네서 잡아 먹는 것을 봤다.

법적으로 소를  잡아 먹을  없기 때문 소를 동네에서 잡아 나누어 먹으면서  다리 하나를 경찰서에 갖어다 주면 순경들이 눈을 감아 준다란 말을 들었다.

나는 초등 학교를 다닐  시간이 있으면  천수 바다가에 바구니 하나를 들고 가서 갯펄에서 사는 능정이황발이 게를 잡아 오면 어머니는 간장에 넣어  젖을 담아 먹기도 하고  솥에 넣어 볶아 먹었다.

어떤 때는  바다가에서 조개참조개, 소라 고등,사시랑이바카지꽃게,  새우낙지장어망둥이 등을 잡아 집으로 가지고 와서 요리 해서 먹었다.

나는 어려서 부터 집서 오리도 키우고 토끼도 키웠다.

바다가에 가지 않고   웅덩이에  물을  내고 붕어장어우렁 등을 잡아 먹는다.

겨울에는  근처 야산에 토기 돛으로 잡고 산에 노루가 다니는 길에  올무를 매어 놓고 노루도 잡았다.

꿩도 오리도 게우 들은 약을 잡는다.

빕새  등은 돗을 노아 잡는다 .

그러나 누가 가르쳐 주지  해도 누가 이러라 저러라 하지도 않는대   혼자 이러고 다니면서 단백질 음식물 재료를 했다.

오는  글을 쓰면서  8-13 아이가 이러면 컸지….,

When I was young, I didn’t have a store to buy and sell beef, pork, etc.

Humans need to eat a moderate amount of food containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, minerals, and vitamins daily to maintain a healthy body.

Depending on the study or age, it is recommended that 55-65% of energy intake comes from carbohydrates, 7-20% from proteins, and 15-30% from fat.

Protein is an essential nutrient for the development of new tissues, growth, and maintaining health at all ages. It is important to consume protein foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk and beans along with other foods to get the nutrients mentioned above.

Here, I will introduce the foods that my parents, my siblings, and my family ate when I was growing up. At that time, no one taught us that we should eat foods in this way to be healthy and grow well.

At that time, it was common to consume carbohydrates from foods such as rice, barley, wheat, beans, mung beans, barley potatoes, and sweet potatoes.

They raised chickens at home and ate the eggs to get chicken meat and egg protein, and on rare occasions, they raised pigs and slaughtered them to eat.

In the 13 thatched-roof houses in Jangdeunggae, they rarely raised cows, but I saw them occasionally buy cows and slaughter them at the neighborhood festival to eat them during the holidays.

Since they were legally allowed to slaughter and eat cows, they have slaughtered cows at the neighborhood festival and shared them among themselves.

I heard that if you brought one leg of a cow to the police station, they would turn a blind eye.

When I was in elementary school, whenever I had time, I would go to the Cheonsu Bay beach with a basket and catch crabs that lived in the mudflats, such as neungjeong and hwangbal.

My mother would put them in soy sauce and make crab milk to eat, or put them in a pot and fry them.

Sometimes, I would catch clams, sea squirts, conches,  bakkaji, crabs, shrimp, oysters, octopuses, eels, and gobies at the beach and bring them home to cook and eat.

I raised ducks and rabbits at home since I was little.

Instead of going to the sea, they draw water from the puddles in the fields and catch and eat carp, eel, and snails.

In the winter, I caught the mountain rabbit with the strap, and they saw a deer by setting up a rope with iron wire on the path where the deer ran in the hillside.

I  caught pheasants and ducks with a poison pill.

I caught magpies and other birds with a trap.

However, without anyone teaching me or telling me to do this or that, I went around independently and got protein food ingredients.

As I write this, my 8-13 year-old child…

Update 1.29 2025.,