바보 소년와 건망증 소년이 한 동네에서 살았다 A foolish boy and a forgetfut boy lived in the same neighborhood.

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바보 소년와 건방증 소년이  동네에서 살았다. A foolish boy and a forgetful boy lived in the same neighborhood.


하루는 바보 소뇬과 건망증 소년 둘이 산골 길을 따라  걸어 가다가  오빠시 벌들이  뚝에 구멍을 뚫고 멀리서 꿀을 따가지고 나라왔다. 어떤 벌들은 꿀을 따러 벌 구멍에서 나와 꿀을 따러 날라 가는 것을 보고 있었다.
바보가    속에 벌들이 꿀을 많이 모아 놓았을 것이라고 건망증이 있는 친구 한테  했다.
바로 이때, 바보가  오빠시 굴 속에 있는 먹기 위해  구멍 속에다 머리를 깊이  집어 넣었다.
화가  벌들이 바보의 얼굴과 머리를 막 쏘았다.
건방증이 있는 아이가 바보가 꿀을 더 이상 먹지 않고 머리를 빼 가기를 기다리고 기달여도  머리를 빼지 않고 있었다.
 더 이상 기다릴 수가  없어  힘을 다 들여  발을 붇들고 잡아 뺐다.
 바보 천치의 머리는 나오지 않고 머리 아래 몸만  빠저 나왔다.
 건망증 친구가 말하기를  친구에게 얼굴과 머리거  원래 있었던가  없었던가 중얼거리 머리를 갸웃 거리면서 생각하고 앉아 있었다.
 2024  12  9
A foolish boy and a forgetful boy lived in the same neighborhood.
One day, they were walking along a mountain road. They saw bees digging holes in the roadside and coming from afar to collect honey. Some bees came out of the holes and flew away to collect honey.
The fool told his forgetful friend that these bees must have collected a lot of honey in their holes.
At that moment, the fool put his head deep into the bee hole to eat the  honey.
The angry bees stung the fool’s face and head.
The forgetful boy waited for his head to come out, but his head did not come out.
Unable to wait any longer, he used all his strength to lift both feet and pull it out.
The fool’s head did not come out, only the body under the head came out.
The forgetful friend sat there wondering whether this guy had a face and head in the first place.
December 9, 2024