Anmyeondo Gulbi (Croaker) 안면도 굴비

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Anmyeondo Gulbi 안면도 굴비

When I was growing up, Anmyeondo was said to be the 7th largest island in Korea.

I grew up in Gangchon, an island village in Jangdeunggae, Jungjang-ri, Anmyeondo.

I went to Chungnam, Hongseong Middle and High School there, graduated from Yonsei University College of Medicine, and became a pediatrician in the United States. Now that I am 90 years old, I want to tell the story of Anmyeondo, where I lived before I died.

The east of Anmyeondo is adjacent to the west of Cheonsuman, the west of Anmyeondo is connected to the West Sea of ​​Korea, and the south is connected to the West Sea.

There is Panmok on the north of Cheonsuman.

Through that Panmok, the water of the West Sea becomes the water of Cheon-suman.
The story of Anmyeondo cannot be told in words, but recently, there have been many articles about Anmyeondo in the media titled Places to Visit in Anmyeondo in 2024. However, I also want to tell the story of my home near where I lived.

In spring, in summer, in fall, in winter, it is beautiful. Anmyeondo is a place that anyone should visit.

First, I am Lee John Sang-won, the first doctor born in Anmyeondo in Korean history.

If you go to Anmyeondo Koji, there is a seaside village called Jeokgae. There were many boats catching sea fish, such as Demma and Nakssi, and boats catching Yeon-pyeong-do croaker.

There are two rock islands that have stood tall for thousands of years on the seashore.

One is Halmi Rock Island and the other is Grandfather Rock Island. They probably served as lighthouses for people sailing around the area back then and even now.

If you wanted to go to Yeonpyeongdo to catch croaker(조기), you had to row all day or use a windsail. You would eat and sleep on the boat. It was a time when there were no telephones or radios.

You put the salt on the boat, so you would put salt on it.

If you caught Yeonpyeongdo croaker with a net, you would put it in a dock and salt it to prevent it from spoiling.

The croaker caught in one or two days is brought home to Anmyeondo and the croaker marinated in salt is dried in the sun. This is called gulbi(굴비). The gulbi is very delicious when steamed, grilled, or stir-fried.

The fish caught in one or two days are taken to Anmyeondo and dried in salt. This is called gulbi. The gulbi is very tasty when grilled and fried.
The business of catching fish in Yeonpyeongdo is called jungseon.
To do jungseon, you need a fishing boat and you have to leave home for at least several weeks or sometimes a month to catch fish in the sea of ​​Yeonpyeongdo. In many cases, Fisher men family may have no food or water for the family to eat during this time.
Therefore, the jungseon owner pays a considerable amount of advance payment to those who go on boats to catch fish in the sea to do this work.
Sometimes, strong winds like Helen or Milton, which we have experienced in Florida these days, are rare, but sometimes the ship capsizes and all the crew members die.
In such cases, the owner of the jungseon and the crew members’ families can go bankrupt.

The gulbi of today and the gulbi of the past seem to be different.

안면도 굴비

내가 자랄  안면도는 한국에서 7번째로  섬이라고 했었다.

나는 안면도 중장리 3 장등개 섬마을 강촌에서 자랐다거기서 충님 홍성 중고교를 다니고 연세의대를 졸업 하고  미국에서 소아과 전문의가   섬놈이다.  이제 나이가 90 되니  죽기전에 내가 살던 안면도 이야기를 하고 싶다.

안면도의 동쪽은 천수만의 서쪽에 접해 있고  안면도 서쪽은  한국 서해바다로남쪽도 서해 바다로 연결된다. 천수만 북쪽에 판목이 있다. 그 판목을 통해 서헤바다 물이 만 물이된다.

안면도 이야기는 글로    없지만 최근  2024년 메디아에 안면도  볼만  곳이란 제목으로 안면도에 대해 글들이  많이 나온다.  그러나 나도 내가 살던 나의  근처 이야기를 하고 싶다.

봄이면  대로 여름이면 여름대로 가을 겨을이  아릅답교  누구든지 가볼만  곳이 안면도이다.  첫째로, 나는 한국 역사상 처음으로 안면도 태생 의사가  이상원이다.

안면도 꼬지에 가면 젖개란 해변가 동네가 있다바다 고기를 잡는 뎀마, 낙씨 배,  연평도 조기 잡는 중선 배들이 많이 있었다.

저깨 바닷가에는 수천년동안 우뚝이  있는 바위섬이 두게 있다.

 하나는 할미 바위섬다른 하나는 할아버지 바위섬이었다아마도 그때도 지금도  근방을 배를 타고 다니는 사람들의 등대 노릇을 했을것이다.

 연평도 조기를 잡으러 가려면 하루 종일 노를 젖거나 바람 돛을 이용해 갔었다배애서 식사를  먹고 자고 했다전화도 라디오는 없는 시절.

 배에다 질독을 많이 싫고 소금도 씷고 간다.

 그물로 연평도 조기를 잡으면 질독에 넣고 소금으로 저려서 조기가 부패되지 않게 방지 한다.

 하루 이틀 동안 잡은 조기를 안면도 집으로 가지 와서 소금에 저린 조기를 해볓에 말린다 .  것을 굴비라고 한다굴비를 쩌서, 구어서볶이 벅으면   있었다.

요즘 굴비와 옛날  굴비는 다른  같다.

1/19/2025 ㅕ