장남 며누리 감을 구하는 시골 양반 이야기 The story of a country gentleman looking for a daughter-in-law for his eldest son.

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The story of a country gentleman looking for a daughter-in-law for his eldest son.


옛날 충청도  시골에서 며누리 감을  한다는 소문을 냈다.

장차  아버지님이   양반은 장차 메누리가   있는 처녀가 오면 구두 시험을 치르게 했다.

   아버님 감이 몇가지 질문을 따로 따로 봤다.

  제일 아름 다운 꽃이 무슨 꽃이야고 질문을 했다.

어떤 처녀는

얼굴이 빨가지면서   씀바귀 꼬치요.

 다음은 호박 꽃이요

 다음 박꽃이예요

  다음은 논에 벼꽃과 옷을  있는 목화 꽃이라고 답변 했다.

그양반은 고개만 끄떡 끄떡 하고  있다,

그럼 새들 중에 가장  새는 무슨 새냐고 물었다.

빕새가  그지요

황새도 크지요,

까마귀도 크지요.

뻐꾹이도 크고 퀑도 크지요

저는  중에 제일 큰새는 먹새라고 생각 해요.

 우리 인간이 먹고 사는  먹새가 제일 크지요.

  옛날 이야기를 나의 할머니께서 국민 학교 다닐   주셨다.
감사합니다 할머니.
The story of a country gentleman looking for a daughter-in-law for his eldest son.
In the old days, a rumor spread in a rural area of ​​Chungcheong Province that he was looking for a daughter-in-law.
This gentleman, who would become my future father-in-law, would have the girls who would become my future daughter-in-law take an oral exam.
At that time, the father-in-law asked several questions separately.
He asked, “What is the most beautiful flower among flowers?”
One girl blushed and answered, “The squash skewer.”
Next was the pumpkin flower.
Next was the squash flower.
Next was Bak flower.
Next was the rice flower in the field and the cotton flower that makes clothes.
The gentleman just nodded and then asked,
“Then, what is the largest bird among birds?”
The Bipsae is really big.
The stork is big, and the crow is big.
The cuckoo is big,
I think the largest bird among birds is the Food bird(muksaeㅡ먹새). The Food bird that we humans eat is the largest.
My grandmother told me this old story when I was in elementary school. Thank you, grandmother.