홍성고등학교 6 회 졸업하고 연세의대를 졸업한 미국, 한국 소아과 전문의가 된 이상원
나의 아버지는 안면도 농부였다 (사진 바른 쪽 아버지고 왼쪽은 고모부)
내개 홍성고등학교 500여명 6회 졸업 반 학생들 중 일등을 했다고 홍성고등학교에서 아버지께 알리면서 졸업식에 초청받았다. 안면도에서 홍성읍 고등학교까자 가려면 배타고 기차타고 하루 종일 걸린다.
아버지께서 교장실에 들어가 교장한테 인사하고 그 교장실 한구석에 농부옷을 입은대로 졸업식을 기다리고 있엇다고…
졸업식에 초청을 받은 홍성군수, 경찰서장 등 여러분들이 한분씩 모이기 시작 했다. 그런데 오신 분 한분이 교장선생님 보고 올해는 누가 일등을 했느냐고 물으니까..
이상원이라고 교장이 답했다.
그 애는 어디 애냐고 물었다.
교장이 안면도 애라고 하나까
그분은 바로 안면도 섬놈한테 일등을 빼께구먼 하는 소리를 들었다.
졸업식에 도지사 상을 받고 졸업식 초청받고 오신분 중 아버질 쳐다 보니까 아버지는 웃으고요.
아버지는 그날 있던 이런 이야기를 미국이 오신 후 처음 나 한테 말 씀 하시고…. 또 그날 졸업식이 끝난후 선생님 28명을 모시고 관에서 술과 식사를 대접도 했다고.
1월 8일 2025년 이상원
부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다
Lee Sang-won, a pediatrician in the United States and Korea who graduated from the 6th class of Hongseong High School and Yonsei University College of Medicine
My father was a farmer on Anmyeondo Island (my father on the right in the photo and my uncle on the left)
I was invited to the graduation ceremony after Hongseong High School informed my father that I was the top student in the 6th class of Hongseong High School, which was about 500 students. It takes all day to get from Anmyeondo Island to Hongseong-eup High School by boat and train.
My father went into the principal’s office, greeted the principal, and waited for the graduation ceremony in a corner of the principal’s office wearing farmer’s clothes…
The Hongseong County Mayor, the police chief, and others who were invited to the graduation ceremony began to gather one by one. Then, one of the attendees asked the principal who was the top student this year…
The principal answered that it was Lee Sang-won.
He asked where he was from.
The principal said he was from Anmyeondo Island.
That person immediately heard the words, “He must have taken first place from an islander from Anmyeondo Island.” At the graduation ceremony, I received the Governor’s Award and was invited to the graduation ceremony. When I looked at my father, he was smiling.
He told me about this story that happened that day for the first time since he came to the US…. He also invited 28 teachers to the ceremony and treated them to drinks and a meal at the office.
January 8, 2025 Lee Sang-won
Parents should also become half-doctors
My father was a farmer on Anmyeondo Island (my father on the right in the photo and my uncle on the left)
I was invited to the graduation ceremony after Hongseong High School informed my father that I was the top student in the 6th class of Hongseong High School, which was about 500 students. It takes all day to get from Anmyeondo Island to Hongseong-eup High School by boat and train.
My father went into the principal’s office, greeted the principal, and waited for the graduation ceremony in a corner of the principal’s office wearing farmer’s clothes…
The Hongseong County Mayor, the police chief, and others who were invited to the graduation ceremony began to gather one by one. Then, one of the attendees asked the principal who was the top student this year…
The principal answered that it was Lee Sang-won.
He asked where he was from.
The principal said he was from Anmyeondo Island.
That person immediately heard the words, “He must have taken first place from an islander from Anmyeondo Island.” At the graduation ceremony, I received the Governor’s Award and was invited to the graduation ceremony. When I looked at my father, he was smiling.
He told me about this story that happened that day for the first time since he came to the US…. He also invited 28 teachers to the ceremony and treated them to drinks and a meal at the office.
January 8, 2025 Lee Sang-won
Parents should also become half-doctors