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늙은 부모를 남에게 마끼지 말고 고린장하지 말아야 천복이 있을 것이고 행복이 영원히 가득 차 있을 수 있습니다.
인간 기본 필수품- 의식주 (의)건강 사랑 중 건강과 사랑이 제일 중요하다고 생각 합니다.
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조국을 사랑하는
소아과 전문의 이상원 드림
A message to the Republic of Korea
Our children, and adolescents, are our nation’s resources, the foundation of our nation’s power, our nation’s pillars, our future, and our hope.
Naturally, the more children and adolescents there are in this world, the richer and happier the world will be.
A country without babies is just like the end.
Please create good conditions socially, familyly, politically, economically, environmentally, morally, and medically so that more young people can love each other, get married, and have many healthy children.
Please help the country do everything in its power so that there is no need to worry about having a healthy pregnancy, giving birth in a healthy way, and raising a healthy and happy child.
The government must take responsibility for the basic conditions necessary to raise children happily and happily – food, clothing, shelter, health care, and love.
Please help the country do its best to help parents so that they can raise their children healthily and happily.
Please do well in politics so that all citizens of that country can live happily and live long lives.
Don’t send your parents to institutions.
Please be good at politics so as not to embarrass parents.
Until their parents passed away, they stayed in the same house where they lived their whole lives.
And teach your children to keep their dying grandparents in their arms.
Teach correct ethics and morals
Teach them not to lie
Teach us to be thankful in all things
Love your parents as your parents love your childhood
Please do not send your parents to any facility and do not punish it.
I know that many conditions must be met to achieve this goal.
“Parents should also be half-doctors” www.drleepediatrics.com” and the 25 volumes ebook. Use information such as health, parenting, prevention, and love for children.
I think we need to continually educate our people.
I think we need to start a walking revolution here and there in the world.
If it makes sense, we must put it into practice.
I believe that the level at which we must walk is to ensure that each and every citizen receives the right message, does the right thing, and loves each other.
Only then can the people receive heavenly blessings and the country be filled with happiness.
If you do not criticize your old parents and do not treat them badly, you will be blessed and be filled with happiness forever.
Among the basic human necessities – food, clothing, shelter, health, and love, I believe that health and love are the most important.
Comments are welcome
Thank you
Love my home country
Pediatric specialist Lee Sang-won, MD.,