조건 없는 자녀사랑 Uncoditional love for my children

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조건 없는 자녀사랑 Uncoditional love for my children
우리에게는 조건 없는 진정한 사랑을!!!!!
아이들을 사랑으로 키웁니다.
의 식 주 잠 건강 사랑 중에서 사랑이 제일입니다.
명예보다 기업보다 돈보다 가장 필요한 것은 사랑입니다.
그래야만 그들은 건강하게 자랍니다.
눈길 접촉으로 신체적 접촉으로 집중적 관심적 사랑과 보살핌
그런 것으로 키워야 합니다.
사랑으로 훈련시켜 키워야 합니다.
소유적 사랑 역할전도적 사랑 대리적 사랑 유혹적 사랑은
자녀의 성장발육과 건전한 자존심을 상실케 하는
부모의 자녀양육 방법입니다.
엄마아빠 우리에게 조건 없는 진정한 사랑을 !!!!
돈보다 명예보다 진정한 사랑을 !!!!
조건 없고 진정한 사랑을 우리에게 !!!!!
True unconditional love for us!!!!!
Raise your children with love.
Among Food, Shelter, Sleep, Good health, and Love,
Love is one of the most important.
Love is More than fame, more than corporations, more than money.
What we need the most is your love.
Only then we will grow mentally and physically healthy.
Love us with focused attention and care, physical contact love, eye contact love. We have to grow with those things.
Train and nurture us with love.
Do not use Possessive love, role reversal love, vicarious love, seductive love
Love us to have healthy growth and development and sound self-esteem
True unconditional love for us.
Mom and Dad!!!!
Real conditional love.
More than money and more than honor!!!!
Unconditional love and true love to us!!!!!
For Reference- Visit Volume 22
이런 소녀들을 급히 구합니다 Girls urgently wanted
사진117.비둘기같이 온화하고
새끼 양같이 사뿐사뿐 걷고 벌같이 부지런 하고
부모형제를 사랑하는 소녀를.
박꽃같이 수수하고 장미꽃같이 예쁘고
진실하고 정직한 소녀를.
다이아몬드같이 빛나고 진주같이 순수하고 믿을 수 있는 소녀를.
로빈 같이 행복하고 비둘기같이 온화하고 누구든지 좋아하는 소녀를.
나의 썬 솨인
나의 발렌틴
이런 소녀를 급히 구합니다.
메밀이 포오울슨 저
Walking lightly like a lamb,
Diligent like a bee,
A girl who loves her parents and siblings.
Simple like a gourd flower,
Pretty like a rose
A true and honest girl.
A girl whose is sun shines
Like a diamond,
Pure and trustworthy like a pearl.
A girl who is as happy as a robin,
Gentle as a dove,.
My sunshine,
My valentine.
Needed this girl urgently.
by Buckwheat and modified by me
이런 소년들을 급히 구합니다. Boys urgently wanted
소년을 급히 구합니다. 이런 소년을.
똑바로 서고 가슴을 활짝 펴고 반듯이 앉고 바르게 행동하고 똑바로 말하는 소년을.
손톱에 때가 끼지 않고 얼굴을 깨끗이 씻고 구두를 잘 닦아 신고 먼지를 잘 털어 옷을 입고 머리를 단정히 빗고 건강한 이를 가진 소년을.
민첩하게 행동하고 남에게 방해되는 소리를 내지 않는 소년을.
거리에서는 휘파람을 마음껏 불지만 때와 장소에 따라 휘파람을 불지 않는 소년을.
항상 명랑하고 남들 앞에서 잘 웃고 절대로 시무룩하지 않는 소년을.
지금도 담배를 피우지 않고 후에도 담배 피우지 않는 소년을.
속어는 쓰지 않고 표준어만 써서 말하는 소년을.
다른 아이를 못살게 굴지도 않고 다른 아이가 자기 자신을 괴롭히지 않게 하는 소년을.
무어든 모르면 모르겠다고 솔직히 말하고 무엇이든 잘못했을 때는 미안하다고 말하고 무엇을 해달라고 부탁 받았을 때는 그렇게 하려고 노력하는 소년을.
대화할 때는 상대방을 똑바로 보고 항상 사실만을 말하는 소년을.
좋은 책만 골라 열심히 많이 읽는 소년을.
여가 있을 때 방구석에서 투전하는 대신 YMCA 체육관에서 체력을 단련하는 소년을.
남들의 눈에 띠도록 꾀부리지도 않고 많이 아는 척도 하지 않는 소년을.
학교에서 간부자리를 뺏기지 않기 위해서나 학교에서 퇴학을 당하지 않기 위해 거짓말이나 비열한 행동을 하지 않는 소년을.
다른 소년들이 좋아하는 소년을.
교제할 때 소녀들을 편안함을 느낄 수 있게 하는 소년을.
건전한 자부심을 갖고 항상 반성하는 소년을.
엄마를 이 세상에서 가장 친한 친구처럼 대하는 소년을.
같이 있기만 해도 좋아서 계속 같이 있고 싶은 소년을.
잘난 체도 않고 종교상 형식주의 적이지도 않고
건전하고 행복하고 활기차게 사는 소년을.
이런 소년은 모든 가정에서 구합니다.
학교에서도 구합니다.
관청에서도 사무소에서도 구합니다.
소년들도 그런 소년을 구합니다.
소녀들도 그런 소년을 구합니다.
삼라만상도 그런 소년을 구합니다.
“부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다”의 저자도 그런 소년을 구합니다.
저자 Frank Crane 역자 이상원
Looking for the boy urgently.
• A boy who stands up straight sits upright with his chest wide open, acts upright, and speaks straight.
• A boy whose nails are not stained, his face is clean, his shoes are well worn, his clothes are well dusted, his hair is neatly combed, and his teeth are healthy.
• A boy who is agile and does not disturb others.
• A boy who whistles freely on the street, but does not whistle at all times and places.
• A boy who is always cheerful, smiles well in front of others and is never shy.
• A boy who doesn’t smoke now and doesn’t smoke anymore.
• A boy who speaks an only standard language without using slang.
• A boy who does not bully other children and does not allow other children to bully himself.
• A boy who honestly says he doesn’t know anything he doesn’t know says he’s sorry when he’s done something wrong and tries to do it when he’s asked to do something.
• A boy who looks straight ahead and always tells the truth when talking.
• A boy who chooses only good books and reads a lot.
• A boy who trains at the YMCA gym in his spare time instead of fighting in the corner.
• A boy who doesn’t try to impress others and doesn’t pretend to know much.
• A boy who doesn’t lie or behave in a meaningful way so that he doesn’t lose his job at school or get expelled from school.
• A boy that other boys like.
• A boy who makes girls feel comfortable when dating.
• A boy who has a healthy sense of self-esteem and is always reflecting.
• A boy who treats his mother as the best friend in the world.
• A boy who likes to be with you and wants to be with you forever.
• Not ostentatious, not religiously formal,
• A boy who is healthy, happy, and energetic.
• A boy like this is needed in every household.
• We are also looking for schools.
• Looking from the government office or the office.
• Other boys are looking for them too.
• Girls are looking for those boys too.
• Samramansang is also looking for such a boy.
• The author of “Parents Should Be Opinions” also saves such a boy.
• Author Frank Crane Translated by John Sangwon Lee
여기에 있는 정보는 여러분들의 의사로부터 얻은 정보와 진료를 대신할 수 없습니다.�여기에 언급된 의약품 및 생산품과 웹사이트를 보증할 수 없습니다.
The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your doctor may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
Findatopdoc Top Doctor Badge
Dr. John Sangwon Lee
© Since 2001 John Sangwon Lee, M.D., FAAP
저작권 소유 한국 소아청소년과 전문의, 미국 소아과 전문의 이상원

Unconditional love for my children
We have unconditional true love!!!!!
Raise your children with love.
Among food, shelter, sleep, health, and love, love is the most important.
More than fame, more than corporations, and more than money, what is most needed is love.
Only then will they grow up healthily.
We must raise them with eye contact, physical contact, intensive interest, love, and care.
We must train them with love.
Possessive love, role-playing love, vicarious love, and seductive love
are parenting methods that cause children to lose their growth and development and healthy self-esteem.
Mom and Dad, give us unconditional true love!!!!
More than money, more than fame, true love!!!!
Unconditional true love to us!!!!!
True unconditional love for us!!!!!
Raise your children with love.
Among Food, Shelter, Sleep, Good health, and Love,
Love is one of the most important.
Love is More than fame, more than corporations, more than money. What we need the most is your love.
Only then will we grow mentally and physically healthy.
Love us with focused attention and care, physical contact love, eye contact love. We have to grow with those things.
Train and nurture us with love.
Do not use Possessive love, role reversal love, vicarious love, seductive love
Love us to have healthy growth and development and sound self-esteem
True unconditional love for us.
Mom and Dad!!!!
Real conditional love.
More than money and more than honor!!!!
Unconditional love and true love to us!!!!!
For Reference- Visit Volume 22
I urgently want these girls
Photo 117. A girl who is gentle like a dove,
Walking lightly like a lamb,
Diligent like a bee,
Loves her parents and siblings.

A girl who is modest like a daisy,
Pretty like a rose,
True and honest.

A girl who shines like a diamond, is pure like a pearl, and is trustworthy.
A girl who is as happy as a robin,
Gentle as a dove,
My sunshine,
My valentine.
Needed this girl urgently.
by Buckwheat and modified by me
Boys urgently wanted
Boys urgently wanted.

A boy who stands up straight, holds his chest up, sits up straight, acts right, speaks right.
A boy who has clean nails, a clean face, clean shoes, dusts off clothes, combs his hair neatly, and has healthy teeth.
A boy who acts quickly and does not make noises that disturb others.
A boy who whistles freely on the street but does not whistle depending on the time and place.
A boy who is always cheerful, laughs in front of others, and never looks gloomy.
A boy who does not smoke now and will not smoke again.
A boy who does not use slang and speaks only standard language.
A boy who does not bully other children and does not let other children bully him.
A boy who says honestly that he does not know anything, says sorry when he does something wrong, and tries to do what he is asked to do.
A boy who looks straight at the other person when talking and always tells the truth.
A boy who reads only good books and diligently.
A boy who trains at the YMCA gym when he has free time instead of fighting in the corner of his room. A boy who doesn’t try to catch other people’s attention or pretend to know much.
A boy who doesn’t lie or do mean things to avoid losing his position at school or getting expelled.
A boy who other boys like.
A boy who makes girls feel comfortable when they’re with him.
A boy who has healthy self-esteem and always reflects.
A boy who treats his mother like his best friend in the world.
A boy who just wants to be with him and wants to keep being with him.
A boy who doesn’t show off or is religiously formalistic,
A boy who lives a healthy, happy, and energetic life.
Every family wants such a boy.
Schools want such a boy.
Government offices want such a boy.
Girls want such a boy.
All things in the universe want such a boy.
The author of “Parents Should Become Anti-Doctors Too” also wants such a boy. Author Frank Crane Translator Lee Sang-won
Looking for the boy urgently.
• A boy who stands up straight sits upright with his chest wide open, acts upright, and speaks straight.
• A boy whose nails are not stained, his face is clean, his shoes are well worn, his clothes are well dusted, his hair is neatly combed, and his teeth are healthy.
• A boy who is agile and does not disturb others.
• A boy who whistles freely on the street, but does not whistle at all times and places.
• A boy who is always cheerful, smiles well in front of others and is never shy.
• A boy who doesn’t smoke now and doesn’t smoke anymore.
• A boy who speaks an only standard language without using slang.
• A boy who does not bully other children and does not allow other children to bully himself.
• A boy who honestly says he doesn’t know anything he doesn’t know says he’s sorry when he’s done something wrong and tries to do it when he’s asked to do something.
• A boy who looks straight ahead and always tells the truth when talking.
• A boy who chooses only good books and reads a lot.
• A boy who trains at the YMCA gym in his spare time instead of fighting in the corner.
• A boy who doesn’t try to impress others and doesn’t pretend to know much.
• A boy who doesn’t lie or behave in a meaningful way so that he doesn’t lose his job at school or get expelled from school.
• A boy that other boys like.
• A boy who makes girls feel comfortable when dating.
• A boy who has a healthy sense of self-esteem and is always reflecting.
• A boy who treats his mother as the best friend in the world.
• A boy who likes to be with you and wants to be with you forever.
• Not ostentatious, not religiously formal,
• A boy who is healthy, happy, and energetic.
• A boy like this is needed in every household.
• We are also looking for schools.
• Looking from the government office or the office.
• Other boys are looking for them too.
• Girls are looking for those boys too.
• Samramansang is also looking for such a boy.
• The author of “Parents Should Be Opinions” also saves such a boy.
• Author Frank Crane Translated by John Sangwon Lee
The information here is