Raise your sons and daughters with unconditional true love and this is how character education is’ Yangseo-gak published, American, Korean Pediatrics and Adolescents specialist Lee Sang-won’s book, copied from
Chapter 19 “To my beloved husband”
To my beloved husband!
Please let the two of us live happily while loving each other like this.
Tell me often that you love me, and kiss me, hug me tightly, and love me with your eyes.
How can I know that you truly love me when you don’t say, “I love you,” hug me tightly, hug me, or kiss me?
Sometimes I doubt whether you really love me.
Tell me often that you love me.
Kiss me, hug me tightly, and love me with your eyes.
Even if I seem absurd because I need you, and even if I don’t accept the true love you give me sometimes, please don’t accept it as it is.
Say “I love you” often and often.
And hug me a lot.
Hold me tight and kiss me a lot.
Even if what I do seems awkward to you, even if you don’t like it, compliment me by saying “good job.”
Don’t scold me for doing something wrong, don’t look down on me, but correct my mistakes and encourage me to do better.
Praise me positively when I do something well.
Even when I fail, encourage me to have a healthy self-confidence and reassure me.
Don’t take it for granted that I do everything for you.
Appreciate and positively reinforce when I repeat certain things to make sure.
Let me know when you are lonely or hurt.
I will comfort you too.
When I believe that I have the ability to comfort you, I become stronger mentally and physically.
If we don’t talk about any emotional issues or anger that we have and resolve them, our marriage will be difficult and can be destroyed.
Remember. Even if I truly love you unconditionally, I can’t always know all the thoughts and feelings, stresses, and angers that you have deep in your heart.
Please tell me when you have happy thoughts and feelings.
If I can resolve the good and bad things that you have deep in your heart, our married life will be energized.
I don’t know how wonderful it is to celebrate our personal days, such as birthdays or any other days.
When we exchange gifts of love for no reason, or when I hear you say that you love me, our marriage is energized.
If I have seen and felt something for myself, it is my experience and it is also important and true for me.
Don’t judge my words easily and listen to them with preconceptions.
Listening carefully and seeing right away are very important conversations between couples.
Changes will naturally come to our married life.
We keep thinking that we are helping each other.
Please touch me with your hands, hold me, and hug me. It is important to say that you love me, but it is also energizing when you love me with nonverbal communication, physical contact, and love.
Respect me when I am quiet and don’t speak at times.
Sometimes I need a quiet moment when I need spiritual time to solve my problems.
Help others understand that I am a valuable human being.
When people know that we love each other this much, I feel special and proud.
I am truly happy when I share with others that our marriage is happy.
It is wrong for loving couples to think that true marital love will come naturally without consciously thinking about these thoughts every day and loving each other.
Among them, healthy communication between couples is the cornerstone of a healthy love relationship.
■ Sources and References;
Loving each other.
How to really love your child
How to love