조기 분만이 있는 임신부에게 코티코스테로이드를 투여 한 후 태어난 신생아들의 호흡은 양호했으나 신생아 저혈당이 증가 됐고  생후 6세에 신경 발육 검사가 정상이었다고 한다. Administration of antenatal corticosteroids to persons at risk of late preterm delivery, originally shown to improve short-term neonatal respiratory outcomes but with an increased rate of hypoglycemia, was not associated with adverse childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes at age 6 years or older.

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조기 분만이 있는 임신부에게 코티코스테로이드를 투여 한 후 태어난 신생아들의 호흡은 양호했으나 신생아 저혈당이 증가 됐고  생후 6세에 신경 발육 검사가 정상이었다고 한다.

소스: JAMA.May 21,2024

Administration of antenatal

corticosteroids to persons at risk of late preterm delivery, originally shown to improve short-term neonatal respiratory outcomes but with an increased rate of hypoglycemia, was not associated with adverse childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes at age 6 years or older.