Mom, Dad, Do you love me? Mom, Daddy, do you love me? 엄마 아빠 나를 사랑하시나요
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■ Mom, Dad, Do you love me? Mom, daddy, do you love me?
Drawing. I worked 109 days out of 365 days a year to pay taxes.
In 2003, statistics showed that Americans spent the most days paying taxes in their daily lives.
I worked 109 days out of 365 days a year to pay taxes.
He spent the following days doing other things.
a: 74 days to pay tax to the US federal government,
b: 35 days to pay state or local taxes,
c: 61 days for housekeeping or housework,
d: 47 days to do some chores,
e: 44 days for medical expenses,
f: 30 days to eat food,
g: 21 days for entertainment and hobbies,
h: 28 days to pay for transportation
i: 14 days for clothes and related things,
j: 11 days for saving
Source-Tax foundation
Photo 76. This concentrated love of my dad and my beloved son. Eye contact love, physical contact If you do not receive enough love and intensive attention, you do not receive your child’s love for your children.
Copyright ⓒ 2012 John Sangwon Lee, MD, FAAP
Do you love me? The answer to this question is “yes.” It should be “Yes”.
After receiving a question from your child, Mom and Dad should immediately say, “I love you.”
Give it a try.
With eye contact love, physical contact love, and intensive care and care, the mother and dad who nurtured and cared for their children unconditionally loved and raised, “Do not hesitate” (“ Yes I do”) Will.
The answer doesn’t need a long explanation.
Just answer “yes” and wait for a while.
Next, the child will think about why he or she asked such a question.
If your mom and dad ask why you are asking such a question, or if you answered no, talk to your pediatrician, doctor or child care professional.
If not, talk to the teenager.
How do you talk?
Have a conversation with intensive, interested love.
Reassess overall the positive and negative aspects of parenting that mom and dad have done.
Do you know what one of the most important questions you have in your teens’ minds?
mom and dad!
“Do you love me?”
We always keep this question in the minds of our children, especially our teenage children.
In fact, the teenage children themselves may have these questions.
“Do you love me?”.
They are always asking mom and dad.
I especially want to ask this question when my mom and dad’s marriage is not smooth or my teenager is lonely, sad or anxious.
Parents’ answers to this question are very important to the lives of teenage children.
They speak these questions, but they do so in physical language.
“Do you love me?”
Parents’ answers to this question are very important to them.
If you answer “No”, your teen will be very disappointed and nervous.
You may feel that you are at the very end of the most important priorities of your life, where you picked up, unwanted children, unwanted children, and mom and dad.
Of course you will not be happy.
You won’t feel your best and you won’t do your best no matter what you do.
Mom and Dad should be able to answer “Yes”.
Let’s move the focus of the horse to the love of the couple.
Let’s say your wife asked her husband one day, “Do you love me?”
You said you loved me when you got married. Why do you ask that question again?
How would your wife hear this, and how would you feel?
How would you feel when you answered “Why not ask such a question?”
Likewise, the relationship between the couple and the like, “Of course not love.” If you give me a hug immediately, the wife will like to go to heaven.
Nevertheless. Today. There are not so many parents or couples who can definitely answer “yes”. Why is that?
Let’s go back to our teenage children.
Most parents who can’t answer “yes” actually love their teens a lot.
Even parents who don’t answer “yes” are raising their teenage children unconditionally and lovingly.
However, most parents do not know how to effectively communicate their child’s love to teenage children.
When I told my parents to read, “Love your sons and daughters, grow up like this,” this is a good book for raising children.
I’m not too humble! I have regretted it.
I hope you read a book without saying anything!
Think about it now.
When a teenager feels confident that he or she is growing up with unconditional real love from his parents, the teenager does not ask his parents, “Do you love me?”
Parents who have been asked such questions by their teenage children will be able to answer immediately “Yes! I love you.”
Parents who conditionally love their teenage children will not be able to answer the question with confidence.
When a teenager asks his parents, “Do you love me?”
Your child will be anxious and disappointed.
Do you know?
Parents’ answers to the question “Do you love me?” Are very important.
This is because parents’ answers to those questions also have a big impact on the direction of their children’s lives.
How important are the parent-child questions and answers
This time now.
Please practice once in your mind.
mom and dad!
When a teenage child suddenly asks, “Do you love me?” The answer is “Yes”.
Some parents have said the same thing before, but some parents ask me, “Where are parents who do not know how to love children?”
All parents say they know how to love their children.
However, most parents do not know how to effectively communicate their parents’ love to their teenage children, and do not know what unconditional love is and what true love is.
I don’t know what wrong love is.
The elementary and secondary school curriculum also teaches children how to love their children.
Probably only those who learn through this article.
I learned a lot by writing this article on the subject of “love children”.
One of the important reasons why parents do not know how to love their children correctly is that they do not know that teenage children belong emotionally and physically.
There is a word called “youth.”
It’s confusing about what children are and what youth are.
In itself, parents confuse what youth is.
Some parents even take their teens and specialists to a physician who specializes in adult health problems when they have a mental and psychological problem.
Teenage children, like children, are children who are growing mentally, psychologically and physically.
They often express more by action and ask for what they need rather than by expressing problems they have.
As you know, adults express their feelings more verbally than actions and often ask for what they need. Adults are more oriented in words than in action.
For example. I came to Korea late at night to my wife in the United States honey!
If you call me talking. What’s wrong with my wife?
“Hello! I called because I missed you.
I love you! ‘
But if you ask my 7-year-old daughter, “Hey, Jin! Dad. I called you because I miss you.”
“Yes, Dad! Thank you.” The child’s reaction will not be as good as my family’s response as it flies to the sky.
Do you know the difference?
As an adult, my wife is language-oriented, and the words “I love you” have a very strong meaning.
My daughter, on the other hand, is still a young child and acts more than words.
It is more meaningful to love her with proper behavior than eye contact.
Again, it is important to convey the father’s love to the daughter, but it is not enough to say “I love you” so that the daughter can really feel her father’s pure and unconditional real love.
Hug them properly, kiss them, and at the same time show them that you love them in words, and your parents’ love is stronger and more effective.
Express your love for your teens and give them proper physical contact so that their love will be better communicated to them so they can feel and accept their love.
What do you think?
Everyone! Can you understand?
Even when I call my 14-year-old son and say I love him almost as much as I said to my 11-year-old daughter, my 14-year-old son’s response will be almost the same as her.
However, if you call your 17-year-old older daughter the same way and tell her that you want to see her, that call can be significantly more meaningful to her.
But not as much as my wife liked.
It is also good for parents to keep their hearts in love with their teenage children.
You must do it.
But that’s not enough.
It is very important to love a teenager by expressing his love for him by saying “I love you.”
It is not enough to just say that parents love their teenage children.
You should love and show your love for your teens by appropriate actions so that they can see, hear, know, and feel that they truly love their teens.
Most of our teenagers have already said that they are behaviorally oriented rather than verbally oriented.
That is why they know that they are fully loved by their parents only by loving them by their actions through eye contact and physical contact.
Then you no longer ask the important question “Do you love me?”
Please do not hesitate to accept my proposal now.
Then you will feel more rewarding and more confident in raising your children.
If you think it’s a good parenting method, you should accept it.
They want to be so loved, but parents fall short of it.
I love my children like that.
Love them unconditionally with intensive attention and care with physical contact and eye contact. There will soon be a change in the direction of children’s actions and words.
Children will be happy, mom and dad will also be happy.
Although you have all the treasures of gold and silver, you will not want to be an unhappy parent because of child problems.
Teenage children still belong to children emotionally.
Parents should treat them as children.
Love through your eyes and physical contact with proper behavior and love in words ensures that the love of your parents is well communicated to them.
Parents love their teens, and they should use appropriate words, loving eye contact, proper physical contact, intensive attention, and care.
Do not say that you love your children only with words, but if you love them with your eyes and hands, express your love with appropriate actions by expressing your love with intensive attention, your parents’ love will be better communicated.
There are also love tanks that store love for teenage children.
This love tank is figurative.
But the concept is very real.
Depending on how much they have filled their love tanks with unconditional real love, understanding, training, acceptance, and love education, the difference is how satisfied and enjoyable they are in life and whether their feelings are good or bad.
Whether teens are obedient, rebellious, grumble, cocky, playful, or shy, they greatly influence their behavior.
Naturally, the more their love tanks are filled with true unconditional love, the more positive their teenage feelings will be, the more of their actions will be desirable, and their best and wholesome self-esteem.
Only when the love tank is full can teens feel themselves best and expect to do their best no matter what they do.
Parents must do all their rights and responsibilities to fill their teenage tanks with love.
Parents should always be prepared and standing so that they can come back to their parents whenever they need them.
Only then can they say “yes” when they ask me if they love me.
The separation of parents and the breakdown of divorced families shatters the peace and security of teenage children.
Reference; Raise teenage son and daughter like this (Ross Campbell., MD)
Sources and References
The Johns Hopkins Hospital, The Harriet Lane Handbook, 18th & 19th edition
Red book 29th edition 2012
Nelson Text Book of Pediatrics 19th Edition
Emergency Pediatrics A Guide to Ambulatory Care, Roger M. Barkin, Peter Rosen
Ambulatory Pediatrics, Green and Haggerty, Saunders
School Health: A guide For Health Professionals, American Academy of Pediatrics
How to really love your child Ross Campbell
Good Behavior Stephen W. Garber, Ph.D. and other
Guide to Your Child’s Sleep. American Academy of Pediatrics
Hematology and Oncology in Adolescence, Neil J. Grossman, MD,
Adolescent Medicine and The Media Adolescents Medicine
AM: Stars Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, Asthma and Diabetes in Adolescents, Robert A. Wood, MD, Samuel J. Casella, MD April 2010, AAP
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The Pediatric Clinics of North America, Adolescent Gynecology, Part II THe Sexually Active Adolescent, August 1999
The Pediatric Clinics of North America, Childhood and Adolescent Obesity, August 2001
Adolescent Dermatology, Daniel P. Krowchuk, MD Adolescent Medicine, 2001
Gastrointestinal Disorders, Jeffrey S. Hyams. MD Editor, Adolescent Medicine
Fueling the Teen Machine, Ellen Shanley and Colleen Thompson
Why Teenagers Act the Way They Do, Eight Adolescent Personality Types: Understanding and Dealing With Them, Dr. G. Keith Olson
Adolescent Psychiatry, Adolescent Medicine Clinics, Feb. 2006 Richard E. Kreipe, MD,
Adolescent and the Media, Adolescent Medicine Clinics 2005: Victor C. Strasburger
The Pregnancy bible Joan Stone, Keith Eddleman
True Child Love Butterfly
10 vs. sons and daughters, so I love Lee, Sang – Won kiwora Station
Pediatric Science Textbooks
Medical Glossary Korean Medical Association
Book 23 Puberty Children’s Developmental Diseases References
“ Parents must be clinicians ” – content is not a substitute for information and care from your doctor .
“The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor.There may be variations in treatment that your doctor may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.