집중력 결핍과 과다 활동장애 증을 가진 10대들이 승용차 운전 면허증을 딴 후 얼마만에 충돌사고가 더 생긴다고 한다. It is said that more crashes occur shortly after teenagers with concentration deficiency and hyperactivity disorder obtain a passenger car driver’s license. The reasons were impulsive driving behavior, drug addiction, and using electronic devices while driving.
집중력 결핍과 과다 활동장애 증을 가진 10대들이 승용차 운전 면허증을 딴 후 얼마만에 충돌사고가 더 생긴다고 한다. 이유는 충동적 운전 행동, 약물 중독, 운전 중 전자기구 등을 쓰는것이었다.
소스: NEJM Journal Watch 7/2019
www. drleepediatrics.com
부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다
It is said that more crashes occur shortly after teenagers with concentration deficiency and hyperactivity disorder obtain a passenger car driver’s license. The reasons were impulsive driving behavior, drug addiction, and using electronic devices while driving.