비타민 B 종류. Vitamin B types

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비타민 B 종류. Vitamin B types

① 티아민(타이아민/Thiamin/비타민 B₁)

② 리보플라빈(Riboflavin/비타민 B₂)

③ 니아신(니코틴산, Niacin/ Nicotinic acid, amide, 비타민 B₃)

④ 아데닌(Adenine/Vitamin B₄/비타민 B₄)

⑤ 판토텐산(Pantothenic Acid/Vitamin B₅

⑥ 피리독신(Pyridoxin/Pyridoxamine/비타민 B₆)

⑦ 비타민 B₁₂ (Cobalamin) 이 있다. 그리고 다음과 같은 비티민 b도 있다.

Vitamin B4: can refer to the distinct chemicals cholineadenine, or carnitine. Choline is synthesizedby the human body, but not sufficiently to maintain good health, and is now considered an essential dietary nutrient. Adenine is a nucleobasesynthesized by the human body. Carnitine is an essential dietary nutrient for certain worms, but not for humans]

Vitamin B8adenosine monophosphate(AMP), also known as adenylic acid. Vitamin B8may also refer to inositol.

Vitamin B10para-aminobenzoic acid(pABA or PABA), a chemical component of the folate molecule produced by plants and bacteria, and found in many foods. It is best known as a UV-blocking sunscreenapplied to the skin, and is sometimes taken orally for certain medical conditions.

Vitamin B11: pteryl-hepta-glutamic acid (PHGA; chick growth factor). Vitamin Bc-conjugate was also found to be identical to PHGA.

Vitamin B13orotic acid.

Vitamin B14: cell proliferant, anti-anemia, rat growth factor, and antitumor pterin phosphate named by Earl R. Norris. Isolated from human urine at 0.33ppm (later in blood), but later abandoned by him as further evidence did not confirm this. He also claimed this was not xanthopterin.

Vitamin B15pangamic acid, also known as pangamate. Promoted in various forms as a dietary supplement and drug; considered unsafe and subject to seizure by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Vitamin B16dimethylglycine(DMG) is synthesized by the human body from choline.

Vitamin B17: pseudoscientific name for the poisonous compound amygdalin, also known as the equally pseudoscientific name “nitrilosides” despite the fact that it is a single compound. Amygdalin can be found in various plants, but is most commonly extracted from apricot pits and other similar fruit kernels. Amygdalin is hydrolyzed by various intestinal enzymes to form, among other things, hydrogen cyanide, which is toxic to human beings when exposed to a high enough dosage. Some proponents claim that amygdalin is effective in cancer treatment and prevention, despite its toxicity and a severe lack of scientific evidence.

Vitamin B20

비타민 B는 단백질과 지방, 탄수화물의 신진대사 촉진제 효소이다.

여러 종류의 비타민 B를 종합해서 만든 비타민 B 종합제를 비타민 B 콤플렉스제(B-Complex), 또는 비타민 B 복합제라고 한다.

비타민 B 복합제는 물에 잘 녹는다.

1일 필요 용량 이상 비타민 B를 과량 복용하거나 매일 먹는 음식물에서 필요 이상 과대용량의 비타민 B를 섭취할 때는 필요 용량 이상 비타민 B는 소변으로 자연히 배설된다.

비타민 B를 과량 섭취할 때 비타민 B 과다증은 생기지 않는다.

비타민 B는 거의 모든 음식물 속에 들어있다.

평소에 균형 잡힌 음식물을 충분히 먹는 건강한 소아청소년들에게는 비타민 B 결핍증이 생기지 않다.

이상 열거한 여러 가지 비타민 B 중 몇 가지 종류의 비타민 B에 관해 다음 각 항에서 좀 더 자세히 설명한다.