Wound Basic Tetanus Vaccination Guideline of Tetanus Prophylaxis in Routine Wound Management 자상, 열상, 찰과상 등 상처를 입었을 때 파상풍 예방접종

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Wound Basic Tetanus Vaccination Guideline of Tetanus Prophylaxis in Routine Wound Management

자상, 열상, 찰과상 상처를 입었을 파상풍 예방접종


Guideline of Tetanus Prophylaxis in Routine Wound Management 

Table 2-13. Basic tetanus vaccine vaccination for punture,  cuts,, abrasions, etc. (Source: Red Book 29th ed)

침강 테타누스 톡소이드 백신으로 접종 받았던 횟수

The number of times you have been vaccinated with the  tetanus toxoid

깨끗하고작은 상처

Clean, small wound

그 외 모든 상처¹ All other injuries

DTaP vaccine, Tdap vaccineor Tdvaccine


DTaP vaccine, Tdap vaccineor Tdvaccine


3회 이하 또는 확실히 모름

3 or less or not sure 





3회 또는 그 이상

3 times or more

No (파상풍 백신이 포함된 백신을 과거 10년 이내 접종 받았으면)

No (if you received a vaccine containing tetanus vaccine within the past 10 years)



No⁴  (파상풍 백신이 포함된 백신을 과거 5년 이내 접종 받았으면) No⁴ (if you received a vaccine containing tetanus vaccine within the past 5 years) 


Yes(파상풍 백신이 포함된 백신을 과거 10년 이내 접종 안 받았으면)

Yes (if you have not received a vaccine containing tetanus vaccine within the past 10 years) 


Yes(파상풍 백신이 포함된 백신을 과거 5년 이내 접종 안 받았으면) Yes (if you have not received a vaccine containing tetanus vaccine within the past 10 years) 




1- In case of trauma such as punctures, cuts, abrasions, gunshot wounds, burns, or frostbite with trash, soil, feces, or saliva

2- Adolescent children who have never received an additional tetanus toxoid (T) vaccine in the past are given the Tdap vaccine instead of the TD vaccine. Adolescent children who did not have the Tdap vaccine or who have previously received the Tdap vaccine are given the Td vaccine instead of the etanud toxoid (TT) vaccine. If you don’t have

3-if no TIG, you will need an immunoglobulin injection.

4-If you have only received the 3rd dose of tetanus toxoid before, you should be vaccinated with the 4th tetanus toxoid vaccine.

5-If 10 years or more have passed since the last vaccination with the tanus vaccine, yes,

6-yes If more than 5 years have passed since you received the vaccine with the -last tetanus vaccine, no additional vaccinations are required. ☞

The method of getting tetanus vaccination differs depending on the severity of the wound depending on the number of times you have been vaccinated against tetanus in the past, depending on the province and country you live in