Malaria during pregnancy 임신부 말라리아

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Malaria during pregnancy 임신부 말라리아

If a pregnant woman gets malaria,

there is a great deal of risk to the life of the pregnant woman or the fetus, and it can be severely ill clinically.

The pregnant woman herself could be very ill and could die

The fetus also can die. The birth rate of miscarriage, stillbirth, and premature babies is high.

Prevent malaria and mosquito bites.

Staying in the house from evening to morning.

Wear light-colored long sleeve tops and long pants.

Stay in a well-lit house with a screen.

Use insect repellent drugs,

Malaria prevention and treatment in pregnant women

Emergency treatment for pregnant women with malaria

Tropical fever treated with chloroquine

When traveling to the Middle East or Haitian, where malaria is prevalent,

it is prevented with chloroquine.

When traveling to areas with tropical fever malaria that are resistant to chloroquine treatment, prevent them with mefloquine. Prevention with Malarone is not recommended. Contraindicated in pregnant women with Doxycycline.

Primaquine is not used because it may present a risk of congestion in newborns with G6PD deficiency.

References and Sources: HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN PRIMARY CARE OCTOBER 14-16, 2015 Red Book 30th-31st edition 2015