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My family and I have lived across the street from Dr. Lee since we moved to Willimantic some 26 years ago. We live on the edge of campus where I teach –Eastern Connecticut State University.

Like good neighbors, we have gradually gotten to know Dr. Lee over the years.

When we arrived. Dr.Lee was a beloved pediatrician approaching retirement. He and his wife would tend to their lovely gardens often.

They had raised their children in this old New England mill town. Like many, their children no longer live in the region, so they are empty nesters.

I began to hear from others in the town their memories of doctor visits in Dr. Lee’s office on Main Street.

People would comment that Dr. Lee’s skills as a doctor had kept many children safe and health over many years.

Dr. Lee would tell me of the challenges he had faced as an immigrant to the United States from a small fishing town on Korea cost. He related how he had brought his wife and his family to live here in the United States.

Dr. Lee asked us to allow him to take a photo of our sons wearing their bike helmets for his publications on child development and his website. He had told me that his website on child-rearing advice was very popular in Korea.

We have discussed finding someone that might help him translate it into English for use here

When Dr. Lee asked me to write a foreword for this text. I hesitate. My knowledge of child development could not match to the wisdom of someone who had practiced safeguarding the health of children in our community for decades. I suggested that he could contact some child development experts whom I knew from the university and the wider Eastern Connecticut community, but he insisted. I am glad he did.

This text is base of love. the unconditional love between a parent and a child, Through love using eye contact, physical contact, focused attention, communication, and stable family life, Dr. Lee describes how some of the difficult challenges of growing up are met and resolve through the deep relationship between the child and the parent.

He presents interesting models understanding childhood, such as the nine kind of innate temperaments, personality types, how-to guide children to individual success, and the uses of punishment at home and at school.

Building on of a framework for parental instruction in sex education, developing healthy self-esteem, and parents’ building strong relationships via communication, Dr.Lee advises on depression on children and adolescents, anger management, stress, smoking prevention, bullying, lying, stealing, medicine for behavioral control, and the use praise.

From his years as a beloved pediatrician, Dr. Lee provides guidance on overcoming the common cold, asthma, and allergies and provides guidance on supporting parents as they watch their child die, how much cow milk a child should drink each day, and jealousy toward newborn siblings, the text closes with Dr. Lee‘s overview of developing trust-based self-control between parents and children and world wisdom through humanity checklists.

The world would benefit from considering the wisdom in this in the text on building happy relationships between parents, children, families, communities through practicing unconditional love.

I strongly endorse the reading of this text and the further discussions that it might engender.

Thank you, Dr. Lee, for sharing your wisdom with us all.

David L, Stoloff, Ph, D.

Professor, Social Foundations and Educational Technology

Educational Department

Eastern Connecticut State University

Jul 25, 2021