Treatment of Acute Uncomplicated Appendicitis 합병증이 생기지 않은 급성 맹장염 치료

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Treatment of Acute Uncomplicated Appendicitis

합병증이 생기지 않은 급성 맹장염 치료

합병증이 생기지 않은 급성 맹장염은 수술로 치료하지  않고 항생제로도  치료할수 있고 수술로도 치료 할 수 있다.

  • Patients with acute, localized, uncomplicated appendicitis (approximately 80% of all appendicitis cases) are candidates for appendectomy or nonoperative treatment.
  • Nonoperative treatment includes analgesia, antibiotics for 7 to 10 days, and careful follow-up.
  • With surgery, appendicitis cannot recur, and the incidence of subsequent hospitalization is lower than with nonoperative treatment. Surgery requires general anesthesia and in most instances an overnight hospital stay.
  • Nonoperative treatment is associated with a shorter duration of disability than appendectomy, does not routinely require hospitalization, and is not associated with an increased risk of rupture. Over 5 years, approximately 30 to 40% of patients who had been treated with antibiotics will undergo appendectomy, although rates vary with patient characteristics and practice patterns.
  • Patients with appendicolith who receive nonoperative treatment are more likely than those without an appendicolith to undergo appendectomy.
  • Patients should be informed of the advantages and disadvantages of both strategies and should participate in decision making.