남북 평화 통일 할때가 왔습니다. It Is time to be unified for North Korea and South Korea
저는 이미, 2020년까지, ‘부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다-www.koreapediatrics.com을 통해 소아 청소년 양호 육아 건강 관리 질병, 예방 , 인성교육, 자녀 사랑 바아불을 북한 이북 동포들에게, 그리고 전 세계 8천만 한인들에게 아낌 없이 내놓았습니다.
세계 각처에서 모여들은 사람물결이 미-멕시코 국경을 총칼로 싸우지 않고 미국내로 이민하고 있는 때에 우리는 살고 있읍니다.
우리 같은 조상의 자손-형제 자매들이 38선을 없이고 남북한 땅- 내나라 땅 오고 가고 하면서 평화롭게 살때가 왔습니다.
어찌해서 부부끼리 부모형제 자매들끼리 총칼을 견누면서 삽니까.
저는 10여년전 인터넷을 통해 우리조국 방방곳곳에 그리고 북한 그리고 미국, 쏘련, 중국, 아프리카 등 전 세계 각 지역 한인들에게 소아청소년 건강 상담을 5천여건을 해 준적이 있습니다.
남북한 우리 부모형제들이 서로 당정에 오고 가고 할수는 없을지리도 이런 식으로도 서로 대화를 할 수 있습니다.
이런 식으로 남북 통일을 지금 당정 시작 하세요.
스마트폰 등전자 폰을 북한 각 가정에 증정 하세요.
자동차를 증정 하세요.
남북 철노를 개설 하세요.
저도 북힌에 가서 무료 소아과 진료를 늙어도 할께요.
새해 모두 안녕하시기를 기도드립니다.
소아과 전문의 이상원 드림
I have already, by 2020, ‘Parents must also become half-doctors – through www.koreapediatrics.com and Drleepediatrics.com, I have provided education on child and adolescent nursing, childcare, health care, disease prevention, character(humanity) education, and child love to my compatriots in North Korea and around the world. It was given generously to 10 million Koreans.
Starting in 2021, we will continue to generously publish www.drleepediatrics.com, with approximately 40,000 pages written in Korean and English.
Koreans in North and South Korea and 80 million Koreans around the world!
Please smile and applaud.
I give thanks to God as I think about how I have achieved this to my own surprise. And we keep updating it.
Now, North and South Korean politicians, business leaders, social, cultural, and medical professionals, as well as 80 million Koreans around the world, must work together to achieve the peaceful unification of North and South Korea without guns or swords.
Please edit and use www.drleepediatrics.com, a bible for raising children and adolescents.
Let the 80 million Koreans around the world achieve peaceful unification together.
There is also news that a railway passing through North and South Korea is also being opened.
Some politicians are even calling for an end to the war.
A long time ago, East and West Germany achieved peaceful unification among themselves.
We live in a time when waves of people from all over the world are immigrating into the United States rather than fighting across the U.S.-Mexico border with guns and swords.
The time has come for the descendants of our ancestors – brothers and sisters – to live in peace, going back and forth between North and South Korea and the land of my country without the 38th parallel.
Why do husbands and wives, parents, brothers and sisters live at odds with each other?
About 10 years ago, I provided about 5,000 pediatric and adolescent health consultations via the Internet to Koreans all over the world, including North Korea, the United States, the Soviet Union, China, and Africa.
Our parents and brothers in North and South Korea may not be able to visit each other’s party and government, but they can talk to each other in this way.
In this way, start unifying North and South Korea now.
Give an electronic phone, such as a smartphone, to each North Korean household.
Give away cars to them.
Open the North-South railway.
I will also go to North Korea and will give free pediatric treatment even.