혈관종 Hemangioma

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혈관종 Hemangioma

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■ 혈관종 개의

혈관종은 혈관이 선천성으로 비정상적으로 확장되어 생기는 일종의 양성 혈관성 종양이다.

혈관종은 피부층이나 점막층 등에 나 있는 피부 혈관종과 간장 등 각 계통의 장기에 난 혈관종도 있다.

여기에서는 피부층나 점막층에 나 있는 혈관종에 관해 주로 설명한다.

일반적으로 생후 1~3개월에 가장 빨리 큰다. 보통 생후 5개월이면 잘 자라지 안는다.

■ 혈관종의 종류

1. 화염상 모반(포도주색 모반/(Nevus flammeus/Port-wine nevu/Port-wine nevus)

2. 딸기 혈관종(모세 혈관종/Strawberry hemangioma/Capillary hemangioma)

3. 해면상 혈관종 (Carvernous hemangioma)

4. 그 외 다른 종류의 혈관종이 있다.

■ 혈관종의 색

혈관종의 색은 종류에 따라 여러 가지이다.

대개 적색이거나 포도주색, 또는 분홍색이다.

■ 혈관종의 크기

깨알만 한 것도 있고 성인의 손바닥만 한 것도 있다.

신체의 한계통의 한 기관의 한 부분을 다 덮을 정도로 큰 혈관종도 있다.

■ 혈관종의 수

혈관종의 68.8%는 하나만 나 있고 혈관종의 97%에서 6개나 그 이하이다.

■ 혈관종의 형태

피부층의 표면에 납작하게 깔려있는 편평 혈관종,

피부층의 표면 바로 위로 조금 솟아나 있는 혈관종,

혈관종의 일부는 혈관종이 난 피부층의 바로 밑에 있는 피하로 뻗어 나있고 나머지 부분은 피부층 바로 위로 올라와 있는 혈관종도 있다.

■ 혈관종이 나있는 신체 부위

얼굴에 41.1%, 머리와 목에 21%, 가슴과 배 23.3%, 팔다리 18%, 회음부에 6.1% 나 있을 수 있다(출처-Infectious Diseases In Children,10.2006.Vol.19.#10).

혈관종이 이하선이나 후두, 간, 위장관, 두 개강 내 등에도 날 수 있다.[부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다-소아가정간호 백과]-제 19권 소아청소년 안과 질환-약시 참조.

■ 다음 부위에 혈관종이 나있으면 가능한 한 조기에 피부과 전문의의 치료를 받는 것을 권장한다..

얼굴의 부분을 많이 차지한 혈관종

귓구멍이나 콧구멍의 주위에 난 혈관종

귓구멍 주위에 난 혈관종

시야 장애를 가저오는 눈 주위에 난 혈관종

턱 수염이 나는 부위에 생긴 혈관종

먹는데 문제를 있는 입주위에 난 혈관종

목에 난 혈관종

요천 척추 부위에 난 혈관종

기도를 차단할 위험성이 있는 혈관종

출혈성이 있는 혈관종

심장 부전증을 일으키는 혈관종

심한 갑상선 저하증을 가저오는 혈관종

괴양이 있는 혈관종

상흔이 크게 생기는 혈관종

그 외 경우


■ hemangioma review
Hemangioma is a type of benign vascular tumor that is caused by congenital abnormal expansion of blood vessels.
Hemangioma includes skin hemangioma that grows in the skin layer or mucous membrane layer, and hemangioma that grows in organs of each system, such as the liver.
Here, we mainly describe hemangiomas that grow in the skin layer or mucous membrane layer.
Generally, it grows fastest at 1 to 3 months after birth. Usually, babies do not grow well after 5 months of age.
■ Types of hemangioma
1. Nevus flammeus/Port-wine nevu/Port-wine nevus
2. Strawberry hemangioma/Capillary hemangioma
3. Carvernous hemangioma
4. There are other types of hemangioma.
■ Color of hemangioma
The color of hemangioma varies depending on the type.
It is usually red, burgundy, or pink.
■ Size of hemangioma
Some are as small as a grain of grain, while others are as big as an adult’s palm.
There are also hemangiomas that are large enough to cover an entire organ in the body’s rim.
■ Number of hemangiomas
68.8% of hemangiomas have only one hemangioma, and 97% of hemangiomas have six or fewer hemangiomas.
■ Types of hemangioma
Squamous hemangioma, which lies flat on the surface of the skin layer,
A hemangioma that protrudes slightly above the surface of the skin layer,
Part of the hemangioma extends subcutaneously beneath the skin layer where the hemangioma is located, while the remaining part extends directly above the skin layer.
■ Part of the body where the hemangioma is present
41.1% may be on the face, 21% on the head and neck, 23.3% on the chest and abdomen, 18% on the limbs, and 6.1% on the perineum (Source – Infectious Diseases In Children, 10.2006.Vol.19.#10).
Hemangioma can also grow in the parotid gland, larynx, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and intracranial cavity. [Parents must also become doctors – Pediatric Home Nursing Encyclopedia] – Volume 19 Eye diseases in children and adolescents – Refer to amblyopia.
■ If you have a hemangioma in the following areas, it is recommended that you receive treatment from a dermatologist as early as possible.
Hemangioma that occupies a large part of the face
Hemangioma around the ear or nostrils
Hemangioma around the ear canal
Hemangioma around the eye causing vision problems
Hemangioma that appears in the area where the chin hair grows
Hemangioma around the mouth causing problems with eating
hemangioma in the neck
Hemangioma in the lumbosacral region
Hemangioma at risk of blocking the airway
hemorrhagic hemangioma
Hemangioma that causes heart failure
Hemangioma leading to severe hypothyroidism
hemangioma with cyst
Hemangioma that causes large scars
In other cases

고 위험성 영아 혈관종 최근 치료 High risik Infantile Hemangioma recent treatment

1. Oral  Propranolol 2-3 mg/kg,  2~3 divided,  for 6 months

This powerful medicine is the mainstay of medical treatment for hemangiomas, replacing steroids as the first line medical treatment for infantile hemangiomas. The goal is to slow down the growth of the lesion. Propranolol is a beta-receptor blocker – it’s effects in general are to decrease heart rate, decrease blood pressure, relieve anxiety and various other uses. However, for infantile hemangiomas it has been found to decrease the rate of proliferation and increase the rate of involution. The doses at which propranolol is used for hemangiomas is much lower than for other conditions – therefore the side effects are extremely rare. Propranolol is also available as Hemangeol (made by Pierre-Fabre Pharmaceuticals).It is the only FDA approved version of propranolol for the treatment of infants with infantile hemangioma. It is formulated specifically for this use.

Oral or systemic steroids are used for rapidly proliferating lesions in a cosmetically sensitive area or one causing functional impairment.

The rare lesions that are life-threatening or do not respond to propranolol are always treated with steroids and, occasionally, other medicines. Due to steroid side effects, the use of this medicine is carefully monitored.

Traditionally, lesions around the eye have been treated with these injections, although surgery is often a better option, in our opinion.

2. Laser  treatment

It is mainly used to treat hemangioma remaining after surgical treatment.수술 치료 후 남은 혈관종을 치료 할 때 주로 쓴다.

The goal of laser treatments is to completely remove the lesion, set the stage for further treatments, treat complications or treat the inevitable broken blood vessels (telangiectasias) left behind as a hemangioma involutes.

The pulsed dye laser (PDL) with a dynamic cooling device is the mainstay for treatment of the superficial vascular component of the hemangioma. It can be used to slow the proliferation, reduce the redness and set the stage for other treatments.

Multiple treatments are typically needed. Depending on the lesion, age of the child and location, the treatments may be done with or without anesthesia. The least traumatic and safest way is chosen for each patient. The PDL can be used to help heal hemangiomas that have ulcerated (the skin has broken open).This is particularly helpful for lesions in the diaper area.

The Nd:YAG laser is used for treating the deep component of hemangiomas involving the oral cavity, larynx (voice box) and occasionally the skin. This laser must be very carefully used by experienced physicians. The KTP laser is most commonly used for airway lesions.

Resurfacing lasers such as the CO2 and Erbium are used to help with scar revisions and improving the texture of the skin after involution. In children, these must be used very carefully.


수술 치료는 가능한 연기하나 기도 차단이 있는 경우나 시야 장애가 있거나 괴양이 있는 경우는 수술 치료를 우선 한다. Surgery Surgical treatment can be postponed if possible, but if there is airway blockage, visual field disturbance, or ulceration, surgical treatment is given priority.

Along with lasers, surgery achieves high results in most of our patients. There are many misconceptions about operating on hemangiomas – the risk of hemorrhage in particular – that we are trying to educate physicians about.

Unfortunately, there are physicians on TV and through lectures, have scared families into believing that only a handful of surgeons are capable of doing these surgeries.

The truth is that many doctors haven’t learned or had the opportunity to educate themselves more about these procedures. The Hemangioma Foundation is committed to training doctors to successfully operate on these lesions so families will not have to travel such great distances for treatment. In general, children can be operated on successfully with a minimal amount of blood loss.

Similar to lasers, the goal of surgery is to remove the lesion completely set the stage for other treatments, or correct what is left after involution. Lesions are operable throughout proliferation or involution.

Timing is influenced by the child’s age and weight as well as the impact the hemangioma is having on function.

For example, a rapidly proliferating compound hemangioma of the upper eyelid that is beginning to impair vision may be removed at an earlier point than a deep hemangioma of the back which has begun to involute. Surgeries may be done in stages in certain cases in order to get the best cosmetic result. Scar revisions, in particular, need to be done judiciously in young patients.

Often a combination of treatment options are used. Superficial component of a compound hemangioma of the nasal tip may be treated with the PDL in preparation for surgery of the deep component. A deep hemangioma of the orbit that is pushing on the eyeball could be treated with steroids while the PDL is used for a separate superficial lesion in the same patient.

The Hemangioma Treatment Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the IRS and all donations are tax deductible. © 2016, All Rights Reserved에서 퍼온 글

국소 Timolol 국부 도포로 치료도 한다.간장 혈관종이 있으면 초음파촬영으로 진단한다. It is also treated with topical application of Timolol. If hepatic hemangioma is present, it is diagnosed by ultrasonography.

소스: 3/2019 NEJM Journal Watch

■ 출처 및 참조 문헌 Consultant for pediatricians. 9, 2008

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제 17권 소아청소년(1~18세) 피부질환에서 퍼온글입니다.

이상원 저작 및 저서

1. http://www.koreapediatrics.com/부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다-약 20,000 여 쪽. 13412 제목, 2013년 출시 소아과 웹사이트 이상원 운영

2.소아가정의학 백과-618쪽, 1988년 출간

3.소아가정간호백과-부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다-1076쪽, 1998년 청문각 출간

4.신생아 영유아 학령기아 사춘기아 성장발육 육아-623쪽 2014년 좋은땅 출간

5.신생아 성장 발육 양호 질병, 610쪽 2014년 좋은땅 출간

6.모유 모유수유 이유 308쪽, 2014년 좋은땅 출간

7.소아청소년 뇌전증(간질)+뇌전증 백문 백답, 240쪽 2015년 좋은땅 출간

8.임신에서 신생아 돌보기까지, 약 300쪽 1998년 청문각 출간

9.아들 딸 이렇게 사랑해서 키우세요, 210쪽 역저 전 세계 명작 Ross Campbell 의학박사 저 1988년 서문당 출간

11.마약과 아이들 약 200쪽 , 1988년 출간

12.아들 딸 조건 없는 진정한 사랑으로 키우세요 그리고 인성교육은 이렇게 2016년 양서각 출간 647쪽




16.Newyorkkorea.netd의 Pediatric columnist

17.그 외

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연세대학교 의과대학 졸업

무의촌 2년간 봉사 및 대한민국 군의관 3년 근무

미국 커네티컷 UCONN 의과대학, 예일대학교 의과대학 소아과 수련

미국 소아과 전문의, 한국 소아청소년과 전문의

American Top pediatrician 2002~2005

미국 커네티컷 주 의사면허증 #016370

한국 의사면허증 #7794

Copyrightⓒ 2017 John Sangwon Lee,MD.FAAP

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