이상원 미 소아과 전문의는 2003년 7월 커네티컷 ‘한인 이민 100 주년  선포식에서 미 커네티컷주 Korean of Year로 선정됐다. Lee Sang-won, an American pediatrician, was selected as Connecticut’s Korean of the Year at the proclamation ceremony for the 100th anniversary of Korean immigration in Connecticut in July 2003.

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이상원 미 소아과 전문의는 2003년 7월 커네티컷 ‘한인 이민 100 주년  선포식에서 미 커네티컷주 Korean of Year로 선정됐다. Lee Sang-won, an American pediatrician, was selected as Connecticut’s Korean of the Year at the proclamation ceremony for the 100th anniversary of Korean immigration in Connecticut in July 2003.   커네티컷 … Continued

Stress 스트레스

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Stress 스트레스 Stress overview The natural reaction that occurs in the body from real threats, imaginary threats, physical or psychological threats is called stress (Source: Depression or Bipolar Disorder, Dwight L. Evans, MD and etc). In advance, stress was referred … Continued