이렇게 긍정적 생각을 가지고 사세요 Always live thinking positively.
이렇게 긍정적 생각을 가지고 사세요 Always live thinking positively. 항상 긍정적으로 생각하면서 사세요. 항상 당신에게 오는 행복을 파괴하려는 매사를 배제하고 사세요. 항상 보다 만족한 삶을 누리려고 노력하면서 사세요. 항상 스트레스를 적게 받고 사는 방식을 취하면서 사세요. 항상 보다 더 즐거운 삶을 … Continued
이렇게 긍정적 생각을 가지고 사세요 Always live thinking positively. 항상 긍정적으로 생각하면서 사세요. 항상 당신에게 오는 행복을 파괴하려는 매사를 배제하고 사세요. 항상 보다 만족한 삶을 누리려고 노력하면서 사세요. 항상 스트레스를 적게 받고 사는 방식을 취하면서 사세요. 항상 보다 더 즐거운 삶을 … Continued
Should children drink cow milk every day? 소아들은 우유를 매일 마세야 하나요 Do children have to eat cow milk every day in order to grow and develop normally, or is it not necessary to drink cow milk? We continue to … Continued
Communication of wife husband and to my dear husband. 아내 남편과 사랑하는 남편과의 의사소통 As a means of communication, There are two types of Language, Actions. You can talk only by means of words(language) You can communicate only as a … Continued
Korean War Memorial. 한국전쟁기념관 한국전쟁기념관-자유는 무료가 아닙니다. We didn’t visit to see Korea, we did not meet Korean. People who don’t even know where Korea was, When Korean needed and asked, Our precious and beloved young sons and daughters from … Continued
Communication between you and your children. 당신과 당신의 자녀 사이의 의사 소통 Communication between parents and children is very important in raising their children to live safely, healthy, and happily. Ask, Talk, and Listen are the keys to a successful … Continued
Training your child with love. 자녀를 사랑으로 훈련시키십시오 Children need to be trained with love in order for them to grow up properly, have healthy pride, and become productive adults in the society . When many parents say that … Continued
US Senator Paul Tsongas’ love for his children through eye-catching love, physical contact love, focused attention love and caring. 미국 상원의원 폴 총가스(Paul Tsongas)의 눈길을 사로잡는 사랑, 신체 접촉 사랑, 집중적인 관심과 배려를 통해 자녀를 향한 사랑이 담겨 있습니다. Mass. … Continued
Raise your children with eye contact love, physical contact love, focused attention love, and care. 눈맞춤사랑, 신체접촉사랑, 집중사랑, 돌봄으로 자녀를 키우세요. Parents should love their children with warm loving eye contact. And also parents must love them with proper … Continued
How to give unconditional and real love to your children. 자녀에게 무조건적이고 진정한 사랑을 주는 방법 Photo 8. Children who grow up with plenty of love from their parents are happy and they also love themselves and then know how … Continued
Harmful love and wrong love to your children. 자녀에게 해로운 사랑과 잘못된 사랑 Unfortunately, many parents possessively love their children without knowing it. Some parents love s their children with seductive love. They may love their children with role … Continued