New York state reports 1st human case of EEE in nearly a decade
New York state reports 1st human case of EEE in nearly a decade Source/Yahoo/9/20/2024
New York state reports 1st human case of EEE in nearly a decade Source/Yahoo/9/20/2024
Raise your sons and daughters with real uncoditional love Christine Anderson Thu, Sep 19 at 9:48 AM Dear John Sangwon Lee, We hope this email finds you well. Our team recently came across your book, Raise Your Sons and Daughters … Continued
Study finds 3,000+ food packaging chemicals in humans A new study suggests that over 3,600 chemicals from food packaging leach into food while going through the supply chain and end up in the human body, potentially posing health risks. 연구에서 … Continued
제2권. 소아청소년 질병, 안전사고 예방 Prevention for diseases and safety accidents in children and adolescents $5.00 저자: 이상원 (Author: John Sangwon Lee, MD.,FAAP) 출판: LOOPIVOT (Published by LOOPIVOT) 발행: 2024년 5월 13일 (Published on May 13, 2024) 쪽수: 1382 (Total … Continued
서울대, 하버드대 대학원 석사 정한웅 께서 “Drleepediatrics.com부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다”에 있는 총 25권을 하나 하나 따로 따로 웹 페이지를 만들으셨다.“Drleepediatrics com 속에는 총 25권 웹사이트가 들어있는 셈이다. 또한 “Drleepediatrics.com으로 정한웅 님은 25권의 이북을 만들었다. After graduating from Seoul National … Continued
The Eric Hoffer Award is recommended. Fri, 2024 Apr 26 at 12:38 PM Hi John Sangwon Lee, Raise Your Sons and Daughters with Real Unconditional Love 에릭 호퍼 상을 추천합니다. 2024년 4월 26일 금요일 오후 12시 38분 안녕하세요 존 … Continued
It would have been nice to contribute more and make a living by providing more free medical care. When I was in my second to fourth year at Yonsei University College of Medicine, I established a sister group with the … Continued
소아가정의학 백과 한국 역사상 첫번째 저서 한국 최초, 소아 가정 의학 백과, 619쪽, 미국 소아과 전문의 이상원 저 In Korean History , First Pediatric Home Medical Encyclopedia, Author, John Sangwon Lee. MD., FAAP UCONN 의대 소아과 과장,교수, 류마치성 열 … Continued