Listeriosis 리스테리아증

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Listeriosis 리스테리아증 Listeriosis is a series of diseases caused by the bacteria L. monocytogenes, outbreaks of which occur in all countries. There are two main types of listeriosis: a non-invasive form and an invasive form. A recall from meat producer BrucePac … Continued

Parents and Patients educator 부모들과 환자들의 교육자

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Patients educator 부모들과 환자들의 교육자 내 둘째 아들 내과 의사에게 한 말을 여러분들에께 드리겠습니다.  성공한 사람이란  부모 형제자매들이 건강하고 행복하고 , 하늘 땅을 울어러 볼때 부끄럼이 없고, 남들에게 모범적  삶을 살고. 정신적 심리적 경제적으로 남을 도울 수 있고  하나님을 사랑할 수 있고 또 사랑을 받을 수 있고 , 건전한 자존심을 갖이면서 의식주 건강에 부족한 점이 없고, 조건 없는 진실한 사랑을 주고 받을 수 있는 사람이 옆에 있는 사람은 행복 한 사람이고 성공한 사람이라고.  의사는 환자의 마음을 상하게 하지 말고, 경제적으로 해를 끼치지 말고, 육체적으로 해를 끼치지 말고, 윤리 도덕적으로 해를 끼치지 말고, 성적으로 해를 끼치지 말고. 환자를 내 몸같이 내 가족같이 사랑으로 치료 하라 즉“First, Do No Harm’으로 환자를 치료하라.   거기다가 의사는 5C와 3A으로 환자를 진료하라. 동정심과 사려심(Compassion)을 가지고  환자의 문제에 관심사(Concerning)를 가지고 환자와 의사 소통(Communication)을 잘 해 잘 치료 (Cure) 해주고 환자를 잘 치료해 줄 뿐만 아니라  환자 가족도 보살펴(Care) 주면서고 진료하고,   의료진료 능력(Ability)과 지식을 충분히 가지고  여유가 있고 겸손하고 Affordable, … Continued

Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents 어린이와 사춘기 아이들 코로나 특성

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Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents 어린이와 사춘기 아이들 코로나 특성 Source-JAMA. 2024;332(14):1174-1188. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.12747 Yqahoo Question  What prolonged symptoms experienced by youth are most associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection? Findings  Among 5367 participants in the RECOVER-Pediatrics cohort study, 14 symptoms in both … Continued

Mpox during pregnancy 임신 중 Mpox

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Mpox during pregnancy 임신 중 Mpox Source-Yahoo, NEJM !0/10/2024 Mpox can be passed to the fetus during pregnancy or to the newborn baby by contact with the mpox rash or sores during and after birth. Mpox in pregnancy can also lead to miscarriage, a baby being born … Continued