Candidiasis. 칸디다 증

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Candidiasis.칸디다 증 Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of yeast in your body. Healthy bacteria help balance the amount of yeast and disruption of this balance leads to an infection. Antifungal medications treat candidiasis and clear the … Continued

Intranasal Naloxone on Opioid Overdose is safe and effective in preventing opioid overdose death. 오피오이드 과다 복용에 대한 비강 내 날록손은 오피오이드 과다 복용으로 인한 사망을 예방하는 데 안전하고 효과적입니다.

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Intranasal Naloxone on Opioid Overdose is safe and effective in preventing opioid overdose death. Source: JAMA !/16/2024 오피오이드 과다 복용에 대한 비강 내 날록손은 오피오이드 과다 복용으로 인한 사망을 예방하는 데 안전하고 효과적입니다.

자폐증 진단. Diagnosis of Autism

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Diagnosis of Autism  Source: JAMA. 2024 Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction are manifested by absent, reduced, or atypical use of eye contact. The study by Jones et al1 is an important step toward the development of reliable … Continued

Amoxicillin-Clavulanate vs Amoxicillin for Pediatric Acute Sinusitis. 소아 급성 부비동염에 대한 아목시실린-클라불라네이트 대 아목시실린

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Amoxicillin-Clavulanate vs Amoxicillin for Pediatric Acute Sinusitis Source; JAMA 1/16/2024 Amoxicillin-Clavulanate was not associated with lower treatment failure risk compare with amoxicillin alone in outpatient treatment of children with acute sinusitis  in this study, Amoxicillin-Clavulanate for Pediatric Acute Sinusitis was associated … Continued

Frequent, problematic cannabis use is more common among individuals with ADHD, who also discount or downplay the risks associated with cannabis use, according to a new systematic review. 새로운 체계적 검토에 따르면 빈번하고 문제가 있는 대마초 사용은 ADHD 환자들 사이에서 더 흔하며, ADHD는 대마초 사용과 관련된 위험을 무시하거나 경시합니다.

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Frequent, problematic cannabis use is more common among individuals with ADHD, who also discount or downplay the risks associated with cannabis use, according to a new systematic review. 새로운 체계적 검토에 따르면 빈번하고 문제가 있는 대마초 사용은 ADHD 환자들 사이에서 … Continued