VAXELIS is a hexavalent pediatric vaccine codeveloped by Sanofi Pasteur and Merck. VAXELIS contains DTaP, IPOL, PedvaxHIB and Hepatitis B vaccines. DTaP, IPOL, PedvaxHIB and Hepatitis B vaccines 등 6가지 접종 백신이 든 종합 백신 VAXELIS
VAXELIS is a hexavalent pediatric vaccine codeveloped by Sanofi Pasteur and Merck. VAXELIS contains DTaP, IPOL, PedvaxHIB and Hepatitis B vaccines. DTaP, IPOL, PedvaxHIB and Hepatitis B vaccines 등 6가지 접종 백신이 든 종합 백신 VAXELIS VAXELIS is a hexavalent … Continued