두개골 골절 Skull fractures

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두개골 골절 Skull fractures 두개골 골절의 종류 두개골을 두골 또는 머리뼈라고 한다. 교통사고나 안전사고 등으로 머리를 다치거나, 운동이나 장난을 하다가 머리를 다치면 두개골이 골절되기도 한다. 두개골에 골절이 생길 때 두개골만 골절되기도 하고, 두개골 골절과 두개 강 내에 있는 뇌에 손상이 생길 … Continued

Dislocations 탈구

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Dislocations탈구  Overview of dislocation and its causes  Dislocation or dislocation of a part of the bone’s head (ball head) from the normal joint position is called dislocation or dislocation.  A part of the human body may be displaced from its … Continued

Wound Basic Tetanus Vaccination Guideline of Tetanus Prophylaxis in Routine Wound Management 자상, 열상, 찰과상 등 상처를 입었을 때 파상풍 예방접종

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Wound Basic Tetanus Vaccination Guideline of Tetanus Prophylaxis in Routine Wound Management 자상, 열상, 찰과상 등 상처를 입었을 때 파상풍 예방접종 Guideline of Tetanus Prophylaxis in Routine Wound Management  Table 2-13. Basic tetanus vaccine vaccination for punture,  cuts,, abrasions, etc. … Continued

Lacerations (Tear/Tear/Rise/Fire) 절상

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Lacerations (Tear/Tear/Rise/Fire) 절상 Overview of lacerations In most cases, prior to the first emergency treatment by a doctor for injuries such as burns, cuts, lacerations, etc. that occurred to children and adolescents, take first-stage emergency treatment at the site of … Continued