저자의 서재 일부 Some Books in author study room
저자의 서재 일부 Some Books in author’s study room
저자의 서재 일부 Some Books in author’s study room
Trijardy XR-A New 3-Drug Combination for Type 2 Diabetes in adults Trijardy XR—제2형 당뇨병을 위한 새로운 3가지 약물 조합
The new treatments with ketamine for depression 케타민을 이용한 우울증의 새로운 치료법 The new treatments for depression promise to relieve distressing symptoms, including suicidal thinking, faster than any previous treatment. They include ketamine, an anesthetic that is also abused as a street drug, … Continued
5 Places You Shouldn’t Go Even if They’re Open, According to an ER Doctor 응급실 의사가 말하는, 열려 있어도 가지 말아야 할 장소 5곳 Leah Groth Sat, December 19, 2020, 7:55 AM EST Just because you have the freedom to … Continued
Here are the common side effects you should expect if you get Moderna’s coronavirus shot Moderna의 코로나바이러스 주사를 맞을 경우 예상할 수 있는 일반적인 부작용은 다음과 같습니다. MRNAModerna 140.23-3.77 Andrew Dunn Fri, December 18, 2020, 8:22 PM EST A nurse … Continued
최고로 좋은 부부관계를 갖는 15가지 비결 According to Gary Chapman, the five ways to express and experience love that Chapman calls “love languages “사랑의 언어 5가지” are: 1. 긍정적인 발언 및 격려 (words of affirmation) 2. 소중한 시간 공유하기 … Continued
Should children drink cow milk every day? 아이들은 우유를 매일 마셔야 할까?. Do children have to eat cow milk every day in order to grow and develop normally, or is it not necessary to drink cow milk? We continue to … Continued
Watching the dying child. 죽어가는 아이를 바라보며 Watching the dying child I was with him and his family at the final moment of his life. When treating pediatric patients as a pediatrician, there were a few pediatric patients who … Continued
Praise and Jealousy 칭찬과 시기 The following is an example of a question-and-answer on the Internet pediatric and adolescent health counseling on “what to do with praise and jealousy.” Q&A. Praise and jealous I have a 5-year-old girl who has … Continued
Principles of confidential care for patients The next question is, “How would you make a diagnosis and treat febrile convulsions, status febrile convulsions if he is your child? This is an example of a question-and-answer on internet pediatric and adolescent … Continued