Stress 스트레스

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Stress 스트레스 Stress overview The natural reaction that occurs in the body from real threats, imaginary threats, physical or psychological threats is called stress (Source: Depression or Bipolar Disorder, Dwight L. Evans, MD and etc). In advance, stress was referred … Continued

Child Masturbation. 아동 자위행위

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Child Masturbation. 아동 자위행위 Masturbation is the exogenous genital organ with one’s own hands or rubbing it, is called masturbation. It is wrong for parents, children, or any other person to talk about personal privacy topics such as exogenous genital … Continued

Teenage pregnancy. 청소년 임신

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Teenage pregnancy.청소년 임신   Definition and current situation of teenage pregnancy   Teenagers refer to children and young adults belonging to the age group between the ages of 13 and 19 years-old. The pregnancy of teenage children can be called … Continued

Prostitution of adolescent children(Adolescent prostitutes/Juvenile prostitutes). 청소년 성매매(청소년 매춘부

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Prostitution of adolescent children(Adolescent prostitutes/Juvenile prostitutes) 청소년 성매매(청소년 매춘부/청소년 매춘부) Prostitution of adolescent children Having sex at a price of any kind is called prostitution. Adolescent prostitutes, adolescent child prostitution, adolescent child prostitution, adolescent prostitution, or prostitution by adolescent children, … Continued

Hugging. 포옹 (허깅)

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Hugging. 포옹 (허깅) Hugging clears the gloomy heart. It activates the immune system function that can overcome various diseases to the best. Hugging allows fresh oxygen to flow into tired cells. Hugging rejuvenates the tired and old mind and the … Continued