US Senator Paul Tsongas’ love for his children through eye-contacting love, physical contact love, focused attention love, and care. 11. 미국 상원의원 폴 총거스(Paul Tsongas)의 자녀에 대한 사랑은 눈맞춤 사랑, 신체접촉 사랑, 집중사랑, 돌봄입니다.

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11. US Senator Paul Tsongas’ love for his children through eye-contacting love, physical contact love, focused attention love, and care. 11. 미국 상원의원 폴 총거스(Paul Tsongas)의 자녀에 대한 사랑은 눈맞춤 사랑, 신체접촉 사랑, 집중사랑, 돌봄입니다. Mass. Senator Paul Tsongas’ wonderful … Continued

Raise your children with good eye contact love, appropriate physical contact love, focused attention love, and care (4). 좋은 눈맞춤 사랑, 적절한 신체 접촉 사랑, 집중된 관심 사랑, 돌봄으로 자녀를 키우십시오 (4)

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Raise your children with good eye contact love, appropriate physical contact love, focused attention love, and care (4). 좋은 눈맞춤 사랑, 적절한 신체 접촉 사랑, 집중된 관심 사랑, 돌봄으로 자녀를 키우십시오 (4) Parents should love their children with warm loving … Continued

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What is love? The ancient Greeks used seven words to define the different states of love we can experience: Storage: natural affection Philia: friendship Eros: sexual and erotica Agape: unconditional, divine love Ludus: flirting Pragma: committed, married love Philautia: self-love … Continued