Korea’s low birth rate, soaring youth suicide rate, high youth depression rate, and high divorce rate can be solved by “Raise your sons and daughters with real unconditional love” (published by Dorrance Publishing), “Raise your sons and daughters with true unconditional love and humanity education like this.” (Published by Yangseo-gak), and “www.drleepediatrics.com” website.한국의 저출산, 급증하는 청소년 자살률, 높은 청소년 우울증, 높은 이혼율은 『진정한 조건 없는 사랑으로 아들딸을 키우라』(도런스출판사), 『진정한 조건 없는 사랑으로 아들딸을 키워라』로 해결할 수 있다. 사랑과 인간성 교육은 이렇습니다.” (출판 양서각), “www.drleepediatrics.com” 홈페이지.
Korea’s low birth rate, soaring youth suicide rate, high youth depression rate, and high divorce rate can be solved by “Raise your sons and daughters with real unconditional love” (published by Dorrance Publishing), “Raise your sons and daughters with true … Continued