Cactus 선인장
Cactus 선인장
Cactus 선인장
12~19세 사춘기 여아이들이 에스트로젠이 든 종합 경구용 피임약으로 피임하면 성장기에 있는 골 성장에 장애를 가저 올 수 있다고 한다. 소스: NEJ M Journal Watch 4/2019 It is said that if adolescent girls aged 12 to 19 years old use comprehensive … Continued
2019년도 최신 소아 청소년 예방 접종 권장(미 소아과 학회, CDC 권장) Latest pediatric and adolescent vaccination recommendations for 2019 (American Academy of Pediatrics, CDC recommendations) 생후 6~1개월 영아들이 외국 여행을 갈 수 있는 통지를 받자 마자 A 형 간염, 홍역, … Continued
수면 문제가 자페증이 있는 아이들에게 자폐증이 없는 정상 아이들에 비해 배로 더 많이 생긴다. 소스: NEJM, Journal Watch 4/2019 Sleep problems are twice as common in children with autism compared to normal children without autism. Source: NEJM, Journal Watch … Continued
소아 급성 맹장염을 진단하는데 초음파 촬영이나, CT (콤퓨터단층 촬영) 또는 MRI (자기공명영상) 등으로 진단 할 수 있다. 급성 맹장염을 우선 CT (콤퓨터단층촬영)으로 진단 하는 것이 보통이진지만 때에 따라 선택적으로 MRI 자기공명영상으로 급성 맹장염을 진단하면 더 정확한 진단 가치가 있다고 … Continued
Advocates push for legal age to purchase nicotine products to become 21 On its website, CBS News (4/8) says that “in 2018 nearly five percent (or one in 20) middle school students reported trying e-cigarettes within the last 30 … Continued
U.S. adolescents living in states with stricter gun laws may feel safer at school Reuters (4/8, Banerjee) reports, “U.S. adolescents living in states with stricter gun laws may feel safer at school,” investigators concluded after examining survey data “from … Continued
Most women should receive mammograms every other year beginning at age 50 Reuters (4/8, Rapaport) reports the American College of Physicians released new guidelines recommending that “women at average risk for breast cancer can wait to start getting mammograms … Continued
The research examines prevalence of sexual initiation before teen years among U.S. males Reuters (4/8, Rapaport) reports that research suggests that “it’s possible that as many as one in 13 boys in the U.S. have sex before reaching their … Continued
Dietary supplements may not increase life expectancy and may be harmful in large quantities. The New York Times (4/8, Bakalar) reports researchers found that dietary supplements do not increase life expectancy, and may be harmful in large quantities. The … Continued