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Drleepediatrics.com Parenting, health, disease, nursing, love, prevention, and humanity education for children and adolescents 소아 청소년 자녀들의 육아, 건강, 질병, 간호, 사랑, 예방, 인성교육 “Parents should be the half-doctors” “부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다” Author, John Sangwon Lee, M.D., FAAP Korean … Continued

Drleepediatrics.com Parenting, health, disease, nursing, love, prevention, and humanity education for children and adolescents 소아 청소년 자녀들의 육아, 건강, 질병, 간호, 사랑, 예방, 인성교육 “Parents should be the half-doctors” “부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다” Author, John Sangwon Lee, M.D., FAAP Korean and American pediatric board-certified 한국, 미국 소아과 전문의 이상원 저자

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Drleepediatrics.com Parenting, health, disease, nursing, love, prevention, and humanity education for children and adolescents 소아 청소년 자녀들의 육아, 건강, 질병, 간호, 사랑, 예방, 인성교육 “Parents should be the half-doctors” “부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다” Author, John Sangwon Lee, M.D., FAAP Korean … Continued

남북한 평화 통일 할때가 왔습니다 The time has come for the peaceful unification of North and South Korea.

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남북한 평화 통일 할때가 왔습니다 The time has come for the peaceful unification of North and South Korea. With “http//:drleepediatric.com-Parents should also become half-doctors”, Drleepediatrics.com Ebooks, “Raise your sons and daughters with real unconditional love(Dorrance) ”, “Raise your sons and daughters … Continued

남북 평화 통일 할때가 왔씁니다. The time has come for the peaceful unification of North and South Korea.

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남북 평화 통일 할때가 왔씁니다 남북한 지도자 강원도 금강산에서 맞나셔요 웃는 눈길 얼굴로 악수하고 포옹하고 사랑합니다라고 첫 인사 말을 하세요 우리는 한 할아버지 한 할머니 자손들. 형제가 잘못하면 7번만 용서해주지 않고7번X 70 번 해주라고 했지요 . 이제 우리는 총칼, 폭격기, … Continued

Drleepediatrics.com Parenting, health, disease, nursing, love, prevention, and humanity education for children and adolescents “Parents should be the half-doctors” Author, John Sangwon Lee, M.D., FAAP Korean and American pediatric board-certified A Korean and American pediatrician

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Drleepediatrics.com Parenting, health, disease, nursing, love, prevention, and humanity education for children and adolescents “Parents should be the half-doctors” Author, John Sangwon Lee, M.D., FAAP Korean and American pediatric board-certified A Korean and American pediatrician Dear Address I, John Sang-won … Continued